Hulu Plus

i don’t even understand how to get into this game to be honest.

since i don’t watch much TV i think i’ll hold out for another year or so when the landscape gets a bit clearer and make a decision then.

I was just looking at this today. Thinking about ditching my cable for a PS3 that does netflix and hulu. I’d probably save $80/mo.

Code gives you two free weeks.

Well hot damn. :tup: :slight_smile:

I’ve had Hulu Plus for a couple months now… has anybody else seen that Community is only available through the website and not through built-in TV content, or have ghosts been messing with my TV again?

Played with this for a bit last night and it just doesn’t feel like a good enough replacement for my DVR. Lots of missing shows (no CBS, Comedy Central), unskippable ads, 720p looks good but not as good as HD from Fios TV. And Hulu’s interface leaves a lot to be desired. If you’re going to have a lot of content available you need to organize it better.