Hulu Plus

The site now has opened its Hulu Plus to the US. They dropped the price from 9.99 which was for the private trial to 7.99. They also credited anyone who was paying 9.99 an extra 2/month that you paid it.

I personally love it. I have had it for a few months now and constantly watch it on my iPhone and HTPC. Access to full shows and not just the most recent season and someone also noticed that compared to their regular account, some of the new shows appeared faster from what I hear.

Free week trial. Let me know if you want a code :slight_smile:

I really like it (the concept that is, I haven’t used hulu plus yet)…I hope the boxee pulls through and gets them on-board. I think this will be really successful if there are some TV connect able devices that can access it.

When my contract is up with FIOS I’m seriously considering dumping the TV portion and going this route. My new TV has hulu plus support built in so between that and usenet I don’t see why I’m paying big bucks for “cable”. It’s cheap enough to get boxes for the other TV’s that have hulu plus support.

2 things holding me back:

1 - HGTV and DIY network
2 - NFL Network/NFL Redzone and ESPN

I really wish I could break those shackles

I honestly spend less then 1 hour per day watching TV. I have antenna…but use the internet for most shows I care to watch.

Hulu plus seems like a very good idea. That coupled with Netflix would probably cover anything I’d ever want to watch for ~$20 per month.

Can’t help you with sports. That’s the one big business that is very reluctant to give up it’s network TV stranglehold.

damn, didn’t think they had those networks on there. That’s awesome.

cable companies fucking suck, im so sick of dealing with time warner

I’ve started looking into this pretty seriously so I had to make sure HGTV and Food Network were there or risk pissing off the wife.

yeah, that’s basically the ONLY thing we watch at bedtime…I love watching renovation realities


EDIT: Watching the sabes game the other night in HD, then having it skip and glitch like a motherfucker was the last straw. It’s been nothing but problems with them.

^ I hate TW as much as the next guy, but the Sabres feed sucks because of Cablevision.

Right now, I am sitting here SERIOUSLY thinking about buying a few Roku’s, an attic antenna for local football and cancelling my cable subscription…

Redzone and ESPN are not worth the astronomical amount of money I’m paying…not for a few hours worth of TV

Ya it seems like now that its public, the Hulu Plus platform is whats going to be on the devices so there should be some new devices coming out. I wouldn’t be surprised if a Hulu Box comes out soon similar to the Boxxe Box.

Between eztv that releases all the tv shows I watch the night of and my hulu plus, I haven’t had cable for months and I love it. Def a nice $80+ in my pocket. I wouldn’t go back to cable/sattelite unless you really can make al la carte packages that I can really drill down and pick what channels I want. I am not paying for 500 channels of shit.

I live in the city and have a $20 antenna from radioshack sitting on a speaker next to my TV and get all the local channels crystal clear. For ESPN, don’t they have a online subscription that gets you access to their tv over broadband?

I wish there was a decent network streamer that would play 1080p mkv and do hulu plus. Boxee says “working on it” but I wouldn’t buy one based on that weak promise. Your only real option is build an HTPC.

boxee is saying EARLY 2011 for hulu plus…I’m gonna wait it out I think. If I can put a boxee box with Hulu plus on my main TV and get 90% of the programming I do now, I’m gonna do it, at least for a month to see how it goes.

Too bad my wife watches E and Bravo…

The quality is still a big burner for me.

And I’m really bummed to hear all the issues with the Boxxee box that people have been having although I assume those will be straightened out.

This statement is true on multiple levels.

In for code if you have it still. Would love to watch tv on my iPad.

You don’t need a code.

Right there on the main page. Enter email, get free week.