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Opening day of bow is less than a month away. Who is ready? What are you using? Discuss

i sold my bow last year :frowning:


with school and work i have not hunted in a long while…sad face…now i just target shoot when i have time

Im almost ready, just need to get some new broadheads. I shoot an old school hoyt it gets the job done.

bleh, im waiting for shotgun

just got my trapping liscense too :stuck_out_tongue:

i cant wait, all sighted in, new broad heads my bows a martin with wisker biscuit arrow rest, few limbsavors, im more excited for gun though its easier, i got 2 during shotgun last year but none with bow yet =[

Hunting sucks. My land is posted and I am ready to hunt hunters who ignore the signs.

Check out

lets see this year for bow i have a bear trx 32(bow) beman ics hunter elite(arrow) g5 striker(broadhead), trufire hurricane(release), g5 optix me (sight) whisker bisket (rest). not to mention all the other vibration dampeners and shit like that. for shot gun i have my trusty rem 870. i have had my gamecam set out for over a month and have quite a few (10 or more) does, a nice 6 point and a small 8 point buck. all within 22 yards of my stand.
i have been shooting around 50-60 arrows a day and am shooting 2 inch groupings with my broadheads at 50 yards… yeah i am ready

:nono: hunting is a nessecary part of wildlife conservation

I shot 5 practice arrows this year… thats enough, right? lol.

Always ready with the pse :slight_smile:

I got a AR15 for sale for $700 is almost new less then 300 shot

Got a 5 point today with my bow. Tenderloins for breakfast in the morning!:thankyou:

:tup: Pics? I missed out this weekend b/c of school. :mad:

At 7:45 am on saturday my father in law shot a 5 point that weighed out to 185lbs (before field dressing). huge deer… tiny rack. like a fat chick with an A cup. At around 5:00 pm on sunday i had a med. sized doe come in behind me but stayed in the thick shit and went the other way. The two other guys we were with didn’t see anything.