Hurricane Katrina



Electric ones dont… :stuck_out_tongue:

i believe hes hauling gas canisters with this electric golf cart you are talking about

if he is, he has to take them out of the cart to fill them. Its an electric cart… not necessarily the best thing to be filling gas jugs in.

i dunno, i cant tell, it looks like he has the seat flipped up and is filling up there. It doesnt look like a gas can, but i suppose it could be. anyone know if thats where the gas tank is on a gas golf cart?

actually what hes doing is using his electric golf cart as a foot rest while spills gasoline all over his member


It is a gas golf cart. Thats the location of the gas tank, right under the seat.

I think he has the gas nozzle holsterd in preperation for the impending gasoline fight…

So hows this hurricane doing? Im too lazy to go downstairs and check the TV.

kicking mississippi’s now i think

down to a cat 1 hurricane now

it’s coming:

we will get some rain

yea, that’s about all though. Good… my lawn is fucking dying. lol

ive been watching the coverage all day, and i am in shock wow,
my thoughts are with the people there holy shit.

Looks like I waited a day too long to put on a fresh coat of Rain-X… :lol:

New Orleans is still filling up with water. Worse than they originally thought. This is the worst case scenario.

Those poor people… :((