Hurricane Sandy

Shit last week I saw headlines that said a potential hurricane threatening the east coast and the first thing I thought was “Fuck gas will go up more”

Your choice whether or not you choose to act on it.

First thing I thought…


I work for an automobile salvage pool, we handle insurance losses for several companies. The amount of claims coming in to Geico (largest insurance writer on Long Island) from downstate is 600/hour. They have 15,000 pending claims right now. I would imagine that all losses from down state would be triple those numbers. You can figure 80% of all claims will be totalled. There is going to be an influx of salt water flooded cars of monumental proportions. In a few weeks these vehicles will start filtering in to the main stream auto market place, most will have branded “rebuilt salvage” titles but, I am sure a few unscrupulous dealers will find a way around that…Let the Buyer Beware!

very good points man! And those numbers are crazy!

Where’d you get that pic of slowmarro?

keep a lookout for s2000s and turbo subarus

My sister lives in Pleasant Valley (just east of Poughkeepsie) and her town is out of gasoline. People are driving upstate for gas, expect prices to skyrocket, and it wouldnt surprise me if we had stations running out up here in the next few days

Heard the same.

the new shoprite gas station on central was all out tonight.

out of gas or newports?

Didn’t I tell you? We will have issues with gas for a bit. Be it high prices or limited quantity.

Drove to brockport today, gas is already over 4.00 for unleaded. Fuuuu

I bought gas the other day /pjb

just gas i think. they still had the little store open so im sure they stocked up on the newports.



This is not going to happen in our area any more than it normally would go up/down with the CPI.

Gas in Schenectady 3.79/gallon