Hurricane Sandy

The rumor (not sure how true it is) is that the city is sending barges of fuel trucks to the port of Albany to fill up and send down to the city… which will deplete our already depleted gas. Only time will really tell.

So much false information in here.

I did notice the i90 sign, right after the rest stop before 24, said “Limited Fuel Lower Hudson Valley” tonight.

Basic supply and demand. Once supply starts going down and demand goes up/stays the same, the price will increase. It’s a matter of time.

Stop denying it. If you don’t think a hurricane, no matter how small, will wreak havoc on this region (which wasn’t prepared for it) even after the storm, you’re insane and living in a cave. NYC is the US’ biggest city (more than 2x bigger than #2 on the list which is LA) and will take a LOT of resources (including fuel) to get it back up and running and rebuilt.

You think Katrina was bad in New Orleans with 360,000 people? Try Sandy in NYC with 8.2 MILLION. And that’s just NYC…not including MD, NJ, etc.

You are a prime example of somebody who bases all of their information on media and hearsay rather than acting smart and paying attention to the real world government-issued (GAAP conforming) statistics.

So much stupid happening ITT.

What are you babling on about?

Every time a disaster happens, in any part of the world, certain commodity’s become more valuable (water, food, electricity, fuel, etc.) due to the disasters effecting supply. This causes the price to fluctuate.

It was quite likely this was going to happen even before I posted that someone mentioned it to me. So, focus less on ‘hearsay’ and focus more on basic principles of economics. OR, have you never taken an economics course? Were on too many of your various drugs at the time and couldn’t pay attention?

Basic econ 101 man.

Janky response is janky.

Based on what little bit of the new I caught this morning any supply interuptions to our area should be very minimal.

tinfoil hat time

Okay folks, agree to disagree. That’s why some gas stations are completely out of gas in Greenville? Or others in Greene County? It’s not widespread yet, but gas stations are getting really low on fuel around the area.

But hey…I’m going to go now and add some more tin to my tinfoil hat.


Agree you’re wrong… Lol. Ships still coming into the port, pipeline back online to utica… There is no shortage of supply. There is actually a buildup of supply and no way to distribute it

Ilya if you’re going to be arrogant at least try to be factual. Econ 101 is mostly basic “what ifs” and doesn’t apply to everything happening in the real world. Our supply simply isn’t affected up here and our prices aren’t going to increase dramatically as a result of what happened in NYC.

If the prices increase, I am willing to bet that price hike will use the hurricane as an excuse as to why.

AKA, we are all ants under the magnifying glass. If they want to raise the prices at any time, they can, and will, masking it however they deem convenient at the time.

Went to gas station… Bought gas… Then left gas station…


best info ive seen so far in this thread

Despite having a huge fuel depot, gas prices suck in Utica. Generally 10 cents more than in Neglectady, no matter what.