Hurricane Sandy

“The [NYC/NJ] shortage and long lines have not spread north to Albany County and should not affect prices or supply there…”

“Those within the local gas supply industry said that the worst of the shortage is behind us.”

Front page of the TU. You and your insider buddy are both suckers.



I was hoping to see a picture of Ilya in tears.

Tears? From what? That you or others disagree with me? Right. In case you haven’t noticed in the 4+ years I’ve been here…I really don’t give a crap whether or not people agree with me, call me stupid, make fun of my religion, etc. etc… I might post back a few times, but in the end, it’s irrelevant. :lol

Yes you do. You take the time out of your day to get all fired up behind your computer screen and then get all hissy when you’re proven wrong. You suck so many cocks that it isn’t even a joke anymore, bro. Not even a joke.

we should have nuked the hurricane and none of this would have happened.

Hurricane sandy is a direct result of al Qaida.

Got 750 gallons of fuel today, no problem.

Pulled next to pump 3 like The Intimidator. Gassed up in 16 seconds, had the guy behind me push and finally was able to dip the clutch hard enough to spin the tires on a nice second gear launch.

plate looked funny, never understood why people lie about pictures and shit on the internet (like statue of liberty pic too)