Hutch's Beach Parking Lot (Hamilton): Sunday June 19th @8pm

I go the odd time to hutch’s in Hamilton. Every sunday a lot of imports, and domestic cars meet up. There is a lot of rice there and there are also a lot of nice cars. Its usually a big turnout every sunday ranging from 40-80ish cars. I’m in the Niagara region and dotn really have a weekly place I can meet you guys unless I want to drive 1hr+, So I’d figure this wouldn’t be a bad spot to meet up the odd time. There are rarely ever 240’s there and I’d figure we better support em cuz they are the shit. If anyone is interested in going this sunday let me know. I can get you directions if you need them. People usually start showing up around 8pm

I was there almost every weekend untill my car got wrecked, and will be back when its back on the road.

Not a bad place. Sometimes is really bad with cops, but if you dont do anything stupid you have nothing to worry about.

Yah I did forget to mention that there can be alot of cops there. Some nights there are none and others there are like 4-5. As long as you arn’t stupid and dont have obvious illegal shit on your car you’ll be good.

Hey, FOZ, you don’t happen to drive a black 240 with a big black wing on it, do you?

I am from Grimsby and have seen this car around. If not, what does yours look like?

I drive a black '97.


ya thats mine man, I think I’ve seen you around once or twice too.

Foz, I think I’ve seen you at Hutches as well. I used to cruise down there a lot with my black '95. I’ll go there this sunday and see how it is, since it’s only like 10 minutes from my place.

cool, ill see you there then

Finally got my car running, so i should be able to make it :smiley: mmmmm…
greasy fishnchips…mmmm…

definetaly have to get the fish n chips when you go.

If it’s every sunday I will definately go, this sunday is no good as my body work is getting done, whoever is going let me know which week and if you are for sure or not, and who to look for, i got a white 93 240sx se, stock right now, so don’t expect much haha

ill come for a cruise. see you all then.


yeah thats right, my beach.

! I used to drive/park there with my Mustangs… Man, that was almost 10 years ago…

is anyone still meeting in Hamilton anywhere?? hutchs or anything??