HVAC '95 problems

About a week ago i had some problems with my hvac controls. Primarily the problem is the fan speed control (off, 1, 2, 3, 4) the fan only works when i put it on 4 or the highest setting. I turned on the ac with the fan on 1 and my idle rpm went on and then turned it off and the idle backed down as normal. I guess the system recognizes that it is on but only actually blows in 4. Any advice would be a huge benefit. Lights work fine as well. Thank you.

Had the exact same problem. It was the resistor. If you look at the i guess wiring diagram in the dsm its easy to figure out. I think its like 9 bucks at nissan iirc.

5 min job.

edit: pg HA-39 in DSM. Controls 1,2,3 all go to the resistor while 4 doesn’t. That how i figured it out.

and im a n00b with wiring… but sometimes the simplest answer is the right one.

dzieki! Masz Piwo za to…

lol prosze bardzo kolego

my sister’s 95 had that problem, and it was fixed with a new blower motor…

take the blower motor out (behind the glove box) and rotate it 90 degrees, her shitty motor worked on all 4 settings when the motor was sidways but not upright, I took the motor apart and the copper winding was VERY deeply grooved… among other tell tail signs of an old/weak motor…

Nope wasn’t the motor, just the resistor, 36 buks from nissan but o well. Guy at nissan said fairly common problem with sentra’s and some 240’s. All good now and works fine, thanks. Please lock thread