HVCC Fall 2009

lmao @ my parking spot

I thought about that in class today.

Nah, some heffer for sure though.

I’m uploading a pic of where I parked just now. If you didn’t already see it :rofl


lolol it was like a steep 5 foot climb to the side of the building… but hey at least I don’t have to worry about some scumbag parking next to me. :lol Building on one side, two big ass pine trees on the other.



Some girl laughed and goes “thats awesome” as she walked by. Too bad she was with 2 other dudes or else i would have oh hai’d her for sure

U scared to put your arm around her? :rofl

She wasn’t my GF so I didn’t wanna get to close for the picture :rofl

This place is a gold mine for hitting on girls


OK. This girl sitting in front of me clearly wants/needs it. She has no idea im typing about her which is awesome

OK so she was walking down the aisle in front of my table and i lured her in with my eyes. I love doing that. SO she sits down at the table in front of me facing me and appearing to be doing “homework”

Come on, its 2nd day of add/drop week, nobody has any homework assignments yet :rofl

Should I paper airplane her my number or just go over and talk?

The latter of the 2 is so boring though. :frowning:

haha nice, i’m gonna get creative with parking aswell.

well anyways my eng class has 3 whales in it and no lookers.

my math class has 2 whales and a couple lookers

my pyschology class has 1 whale but about 5-7 BANGIN girls.:excited

hopefully tomm my western civ class is as good as my psch class.

Paper Airplane FTMFW!


alright fuck this i have no paper to waste, old fashioned way it is. brb

ps if you guys want to come to the lib and have a who can get more girls #'s contest before classes, feel free to join :rofl

i can get there in about 23 minutes if in not mistaken… but its been a few years since i been there.

local area code ftw :slight_smile:

hahah I should have done this the last two years i’ve been in college. Pure genious

:lol @ local area code… she goes to the same school as u bro… just take her to the DCC and PIIHB

What time are you there until? I’ll be there in 1 hour…

Yeah, I have my fingers crossed for public speaking. I skipped the first day :rofl