HVCC Fall 2009

ahh SHIT!

I’ll be in the library until 330 then I have to leave to go to work. I get out at 250 normally but I need time to kill before work so I dick around in the library on my laptop for a half hour or so.

I’m going to come down there and cock block you.

I’ll use you to my advantage… i’ll go up to girls and go “thats my gf, we just broke up. can you comfort me?”


You can’t win, Nicole.

We can have a nothing fight to make it more believable, then see how many girls come over to sympathize.

Bonus points of you slap me too :rofl


LMAO and totally off topic but somebody just farted and it echoed in the entire lower level :rofl

Why the fuck is the library so entertaining today?

cuz its the 2nd day of classes it’ll suck by next week or the week after :rofl

Yeah once all the clowns drop out

glwwhores, is the lib packed? i might swing through on my break tomarrow

i came out to my car today and there was a crowd of people standing around it. the clowns at williams love it lol

lmao that happened to me last year when I parked next to the automotive building. I was like hi… takes mental note of a bunch of dudes standing around his car … can you move so I can leave now? :rofl

They are insanely retarded. It was like they have never seen a Cobalt before.

“Yo is this the supercharged one?” when it clearly says SUPERCHARGED in several locations on the car.

so dumb. :rofl

pretty good, i think mines a little more slutty :excited

i got you all beat haha ill put a pic up later

but did a fat lawn job today trying to find a lawn spot:banghead

I need to drive around tomorrow and look for more creative parking spots.


i honked at you today lol

If some cash for clunker junker is in my spot again I am going to find someone in the automotive building with a big redneck truck to tow it away

dam my firsrt class for hvcc dont start til the 14th… but i takem off campus at nite ftw way easyer with work but dont get to see a the snatch u guys do… but then again during the day i do while at work…

dude what?

my first class at hvcc is september 14 and i wont see that many girls due to off campus classes. lol

The ONLY reason I am taking classes on campus is because of the women. If I could have it my way i’d take them all online :rofl 3 classes on campus and 1 online is still good enough for me