HVCC Fall 2009

cannot wait till you fail out of college


Dear Students and Colleagues,

In celebration of President Obama’s visit to Hudson Valley Community College this week, I invite all of you to a lunch at the Joseph L. Bruno Stadium this Friday. As you know, we had hoped the President’s visit could have accommodated a larger presence from faculty, staff and students, but due to concerns about logistics and security, the White House decided on a smaller event. This Friday’s celebratory lunch is one way we can come together as a campus to recognize and commemorate what the President of the United States stated on Monday – that Hudson Valley Community College is a leader in higher education.

What: Celebration Lunch

When: Friday, Sept. 25, 2009
11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.*
Lunch will be served during this time – stop by at your convenience and grab a bite!
Noon – President Matonak will thank campus community.

Where: Joseph L. Bruno Stadium

President Obama’s speech will be played on the scoreboard video panel.

*Please note that offices will have minimal coverage during this time.

Free food is definitely for the win.


bunch of good stuff on my way in.

some guy in a 3rd gen camaro that looked liek billy mays with the custom plate that read" buy usa" he got the thumbs down:retardclap

some black hyundai (pjb style) with a HUGE wing parked up on the curb.

black TC with RRMMMZZZ and a fact can

and last but not least.

some dumb bitch in a TC that left her lights on tried to get ajump start and put the cables on the wrong ends and fried her whole ecu/electrical LOL

So who’s going to the Obama-BQ tomorrow?

ill stop in to grab fewd on my way out

FYI to the campus community,

A fight occurred in front of the campus center at approximately 1PM today. A main suspect was identified and fled the campus , in the direction of North Greenbush, South-east of campus.

Troy and North Greenbush PD are presently searching for the suspect.

At this time, the investigation is continuing .


Fred Aliberti
Director of Public Safety
Hudson Valley Community College
80 Vandenburgh Ave.
Troy, New York, 12180
518-629-8127 fax

haha, i was just going to post that

Tyrone gettin’ loud


its funny that that happened, i walked past there around 12ish and there were some ni99ers staring me down like they wanted to fight. :Idiots

They won’t do shit to you, underneath their sheets that they wear for clothing is nothing but weakness and insecurity.

ur right, lol doesnt matter to me, itll just me an excuse to make use one of my many “tools”(nohomo) that i wield at any given moment :ninja

:lol at “tool”, aka antique farm implements

pitchfork FTW

They should give us the jew holiday off. :frowning:

Public speaking ftw! I pretty much nailed my speech, except for at the end where I fucked up my conclusion.

“In conclusion, let me ask you one last question. Um…” throws notecard on the ground

I wrote down an answer to my final question in my notes instead of an actual question. FML!

Today, at approximately 2:30PM, a student observed what appeared to be a rifle, in plain view, inside a vehicle in the B lot, just north of the Administration Building, and came into the Public Safety office to report this.

Public Safety staff responded to the scene, as well as Troy Police. The owner of the vehicle, also a student, was identified and arrested for Criminal Possession of a Weapon, 4th deg. The .22 caliber rifle was unloaded . A loaded magazine (clip) with .22 cal. bullets, was found nearby within the vehicle.

A reminder to staff and students that the College has a zero tolerance policy for possession of firearms on campus.

The description of the New York Penal Law, a class A misdemeanor, is as follows:

§ 265.01 Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth
degree when:

(3) He or she knowingly has in his or her possession a rifle, shotgun
or firearm in or upon a building or grounds, used for educational
purposes, of any school, college or university, except the forestry
lands, wherever located, owned and maintained by the State University of
New York college of environmental science and forestry, or upon a school
bus as defined in section one hundred forty-two of the vehicle and
traffic law, without the written authorization of such educational

The arrested student was also immediately suspended from the College.

We are extremely appreciative of the diligence of the student who initially reported this to us.

Probably some redneck from out West.

:lol good thing it wasnt Gatville. He would never waste his time with a .22

LOL i only carry shotguns when im on school property!

and what a pussy…srsly? whoever rats out the dude on shit like that is either a girl or a vagina :Idiots


you would seroiusly risk not reporting something like that?!?!