HVCC Fall 2009

Park in the Williams Lot or behind the gym, it’s your best bet if you don’t mind walking a bit.

on friday i may/may not take the evo and park in williams. doubtful though.

I have my motorcycle road test Friday… I plan on riding the motard every day it doesn’t rain and parking as CLOSE to my classrooms as possible.

im NOT looking forward to the parking situation tomorrow


It happens.

Wow, even the Williams lot was full.

Buncha bullllll SHIT

How was your first day of school hunny? :hug


Anyone see a green cutlass with side exit exhaust stunting around?

Everyone stunts. I was sitting in my car before class because I got here a little early and people were barking their tires in the god damn parking lot. :rofl

This is where the lower lot goes to school…

ahahhh. i go in tomm at 10 for my first day. i think i’m gonna try and go to williams.

saw gatville leaving tday in the cutty

sat in traffic for 45 mins this am, I didnt even take 378:crazy

my sociology class is WIN, tons of CP

My teacher for Accounting is a total Milf.

I skipped my first day of Public Speaking :rofl

pics now!


I was kinda high for that class today (teeth hurting = take painkillers). She called on everyone on the attendance to tell the class to share some things about themselves… She calls my name and I start flailing my hands in the air like an idiot to get her attention :rofl

Then I go “Oh… I’m creative.”

laughter ensued

what her name?


gotta love parking up at cogan. no matter how packed main campus is, theres ALWAYS spots up in back

ahh had her last year. shes chill. pushover too

She’s fun to stare at. :excited