HVCC Fall 2009

yeah HVCC was fun today

This is for true HVCC students only.

The clowns(mainly freshmen) at HVCC are hysterical. Me and Murrdog went to Wendy’s for lunch @ work and I was dying at the n00bs like it was their first day driving. I proceeded to HAMMMERRR down the main road :rofl

Yeah I noticed this too as I slowly crept out of the parking lot and away from the seemingly endless frustration known as HVCC drivers

… I was close to ending my life

Anyone down to drink on Wednesday during break? I have to speak in front of the class for English and I’d prefer to do it after consuming alcoholic beverages.

I think some ppl were pissed parking this morning and I pulled into the faculty spot


today wasnt bad if you get there early enough but people suck at driving and think there little 4 banger camrys are fast its funny:rofl

I got there at 930ish so I bypass the early morning morons

well hvcc was interesting today…

slept in and missed my 8am class

stuck in traffic car was hot as shit due to clutch fan slipping…fail, had to pull over and let it cool for an hour.

drove around “stunting” by automotive until i found a parking spot

in the process set off some guys car alarm :haha

saw big red

went to TB and while parking, sticking out approx 1/2 car length, trying to get the car in gear (completely stopped) some slamming hot broad comes up the hill and almost plws in my rear 1/4 with plenty of room to slow down she decides to swerve at the last second, comes inches from hitting me :crazy:Idiots

left TB got to the bottom of the hill and blew out my trans cooler line, proceeded to fix it, added fluid and left.:lol



im good for 1-2:thumbup

OK. Now we need 2 CP to sit in the back of my car so we can have a parrrr-tayyyy


how bout we just throw a mask on pete, hes got a vagina right?


There is no fucking way we are doing that

I know some fresh frosh CP at HVCC… :ninja

elaborate naow!

oh man they were all over today, lost and confused and looking for a hard dick to guide them along

Lmao true story about the females. It wasn’t bad at all today. I got there at 840ish and got a spot as soon as i pulled in, no prob. 94gt5.0 is in my class too… Should be a fun semester.

lol plenty of my friends are there this semester