HVCC Spring '09

There is some serious CP up at the valley!

Cp is EVERYWHERE today, cant wait till spring when they start dressing like whores again and i can bring the white car up!

I love it :slight_smile:


parking was ez but leaving was a bitch. some heffer was just sittin there thinkin someone was gonna let her out and in exchange everybody blew her off. WHAT DON"T YOU UNDERSTAND YOU DUMB BITCH THAT YOU HAVE TO FORCE YOUR WAY OUTTTT!!!

what?! thats why the traffic was all nuts today in troy?! WTF

tell 'em pete


Fuckin shit… I went online to switch my COMP class to MWF and the gay site won’t let me. I can’t do it over the phone either because I don’t have some gay ass password. Ugh. Gotta go to business office tomorrow now to switch the goddamn class.

:open_mouth: hopefully ill have my cutlass done before the semesters up, we’ll pull cp all day! :smiley:

lol wtf chris thats fail and a half!

anyways there were tons o hot cp and non-cps out today

I feel really old now. I graduated from HVCC for the second time in '02 (first in '01).

Ya old prick! lol

Try having everyone in your classes about…eh 4yrs younger than ya lol…CP BABAY

I sure feel it especially with all this talk about college and 17 year old girls.

Saint Rose FTW! about 1/8 the size of harvard on the hudson. i too parked in a snow bank. stopped traffic, backed up full speed and that was that lol this older lady looked at me all pissed off haha

Its the only place i could find this morning after trolling the lot for 40 goddamn mintues. I need better tires though, almost got the trep’ beached lol

Next time take the F150 then

Luckily parking in the evening is great, but a 4hour long class ftl.

there was parking at 8, after i went to lunch later i couldnt get a spot worth shyt, had to go the opposite side of the lot by the stadiyum

I have class at 10, so all teh spots are taken already, and even leaving today at 2 was redic…