Hydroxycut..... WILL KILL YOU



saw this earlier, of course another thing that Iovate (muscletech) needs to fuck up. They buy the hydroxycut name after they cleaned up and started making a pill that wont kill you, and what do they do, they make it kill you again.

They probably put tiny bits of sodium usniate in it. Bastards.

I hear alcohol can cause liver damage also?

about 75% of our work comes from iovate with the hydroxycut. lets just say its slow as hell now and the FDA is everywhere investigating it. we have a ton of the hydroxycut product in our warehouse, just waiting anyday for the FDA to come in and take it out

This just in.

Apparently even the sun will kill you if exposed to it too much.

Close to home…

“The FDA is warning consumers to immediately stop using 14 Hydroxycut products manufactured by Iovate Health Sciences Inc. of Oakville, Ontario, and distributed by Iovate Health Sciences USA Inc. of Blasdell, New York”


This part is funny to me:

Symptoms include brown urine, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, stomach pain, itching and light-colored stools.

Well gee…if you are pissing BROWN, puking, and shitting TANthen maybe it’s time to stop dontcha think? I guess people just don’t see anything wrong with these things, lol. The liver is an extremely resilient organ. It takes a lot of abuse to kill it. You would have to take Hydroxcut and experience serious side effects for a looooooong time to really damage it.


I literally burst out laughing at this sarcasm and bold lettering. Thanks :tup:

“HUNNY! My piss… it’s um… brown! I think I’m pissing my shit and shitting my piss! What do I do?!”

“Keep doing what you’re doing, you’re fine. Stop bothering me, I’m twittering that I’m eating a mighty pack all by myself before consuming my box of ho-ho’s. I can’t type, eat and talk to you all at the same time!”


better then being a fat fuck.

^^ lol @ better dead than fat :lol:

Does anybody know where I can return mine to get a refund???

Getting to live is your refund.

i took hydroxycut before… it gave me the shakes… i tried to stick with it for about a month hoping i would develop a tolerance… but everytime i took teh recomended dosage i felt like a crack addict… all jittery with warm flashes…

Sure that wasn’t your mangina shriveling up? Man-o-pause?

ya that happened to me too,:eekdance::eekdance::eekdance: i quit taking it after a week. I just went with regular caffiene pills instead, cheaper, lower dosage and does the same thing for you.

i took it for 2 months at 2/3 the reg doseage (2 pills 2x per day rather than 3 pills 3x per day) and actually saw good results. Of course I turned in the rest of the bottle (25%) for a full refund :slight_smile: it was a free 2 months of pills!

LOL @ Just Karter. Fucker prolly already died. Hav’nt seen a post from him in awhile.

Where did you turn it in???

the gnc i bought it at… though they will look to fuck you if they can… I had saved the receipt. without it they will give you the lowest price they ever sold at which, i believe is around 32$. if you dont have the receipt, i would keep some pills for yourself before you return it :)~