Hydroxycut users?

Hey well im back, just got home from my OSUT training in the army, neways im home till jan 2 before I ship back outand I ve started taking hydroxcut. I lost 38lbs, but I still want to loose some fat, has anyone on here used it before? How long does it tke to kick in? What were your sideeffects? Is it worth taking?

I’m not a huge fan of Hydroxycut, but I have used Controlled Labs Red Acid and Sesaglow and it worked really well. I kept a log on the bb.com forum. I’d suggest looking at that if you want to shed some bodyfat.

ECA > *

I think that I heard some side effects of hydroxycut is severe dehydration and kidney stones. I think thats what another board member experienced.

what is ECA?

Someone i used to know took that and threw up every time they took it.

meh. exercise and eating right > diet pills

+1 dont mess with that shit… its not worth it in my opinion, peanut butter and tuna diet, stick with that and exercise man dont cheat and use those pills.

Its actually not cheating I guess, just not really the safest thing to do i guess… just my .02


With the level of cardio that the army does, many of those chemical aids cause problems. Normally the muscle tissue is over hydrated, while the vascular is in a state of being underhydrated (hypovolumiec) and you can over load your heart and other bad stuff. You won’t cramp because your muscles have enough hydration, but thats the only good thing. My experiances with recent BCT graduates is that they either lose weight (if you were heavy) or gain weight (if you were thin) during BCT due to the heavy physical demands and heavy caloric intake. But AIT will change all that, you can settle into a more normal eating pattern, and your physical demands will decrease until you reach the normal army PT program, which is normal life with a workout in the morning. Your biggest concern is to limit your caloric intake, if not you will balloon up because you will eat the same as you did when you were working out 75 percent of your day. Stay away from the drugs and other stuff, its caused many soldiers issues, and it won’t fix your eating habits. Its soo simple that it hurts: Calrories In - Calories burned = what goes on, or comes off your ass.

lol oh man, we do that hydroxycut shit all the time at work

RTL > clen > ECA > *

WTF > RTL > clen > ECA > *


i think i have an extral bottle of IBE clen laying around if you want it… just a matter of figuring out what box its in. i really need to unpack.

holla! hell yes.


if you find it let me know ill take it.

Just eat right. You’ll feel much more accomplished.

That fat isn’t there because of a lack of hydroxycut…

its because theres not enough clen, zol, and trn in his diet

holy shit, i can attest to that. Clen hands down is the best cutting/diet supplement just shy of steroids. I currently am looking at 3 bottles in possesion that I got for free from AG :slight_smile:

But yeah Hydroxycut is shit now that theres no ephedra in it, I used the stuff with ephedra before and it was incredible, and tried the new stuff and it was a waste

What is Clen? I want to lose some chub that I’ve put on since my surgery. I was still eating like your typical landscaper i.e., eating like a starved animal, but not working anymore so yeah, I gained weight. What is some good cardio shit to do? I am going to get back into cross country skiing this winter. Its fun and AWSOME exercise…but like, what else is good cardio? What about swimming? I wanna do something I like that will not effect my arm negatively…I know I bitch about it a lot, but it has been getting loose again because of over use (no masturbation jokes please). I defiantly think eating better and Skiing will make a huge difference…if we ever get snow lol…as much as I don’t like it, it has its uses.