Hydroxycut users?

I tried to lose weight body fat for about 1 month. I was eating less then 20g of fat per day, and less then 2000-2500 calories a day. I didnt drop a single pound. I decided that with my high protein diet, that I would stop taking my whey protein. Since i stopped taking protein i dropped 15pounds and am at my goal weight. I was formaly 17% body fat and now im 11% body fat. My goal body fat is 7% but im starting to lose too much muscle from my diet sooo, im gunna try to eat a little more, and work out a little harder.

I opted taking hydroxycut and others but i decided that it wasnt healthy and weight loss drugs are for people with little will power and not enough determination.

Dieting is hard and takes alot of self disaplin. Its not only a good thing to eat the right kinda foods, but mostly important to eat the right portions. If your eating till your stuffed your eating TOO MUCH.

try to base yourself on a 2000calorie/day diet depending on how much calories your body burns a day.

Also dont base it on what your body burns, base it on what you want to do. Usually when losing weight I go for about 1500 calories a day and make sure I hit the gym hard for an hour of cardio (kills about 800-1000 calories depending on settings) so that way I easily burn the weight off.

Its a misconception most people thing, but your body needs carbs and fat. I always do the carbs thing after the workout, yes after. People tend to think you need a protein shake after, but in fact after a workout you need carbs for your metabolism to hit right.

Its all about nutrition and just burning more than you take in. Simple as that.
Dieting is the single easiest thing you can do to lose weight because there are so many good foods that taste great out there.

If you don’t plan to exercise at all, just cut back and replace that McD’s with a nice healthy salad and you’d be surprised how much weight you can lose. And also cutting out soda, and any sugar filled drinks… thats key for weight loss.

Anywho. Alot of good stuff in this thread.

A great workout is on a treadmill or an elliptical…its called HIIT
(High Intensity Interval Training)
Warm up for about 2 minutes at an average pace.
Then go 90% max heart rate for about 15-20 seconds.
Then average for a minute.
Then 90% max heart rate for 15-20 again
Keep doing this over and over for about 15-20 minutes if you can handle it.
If you do this in the morning it gives you an incredible boost in energy and not to mention ups your metabolism to help burn calories through out the rest of the day. This is what I do and it works insanely good.

Also eat 5-6 small meals a day every 3 hours to keep your metabolism steady and not to mention never ever skip breakfast, that just kills your metabolism from the start.

Any other q’s pm me, specifically about clen because I don’t care to discuss on an open forum.

:tup: congrats on the progress man

this is me patting you on the back(side) :hitit:
gitty up

oh, and jeg, you dont want clen. if you arent working out currently you dont need research chems, you need to get off your ass.

I lost 100lbs and 25% bodyfat in 18 months, then started taking thermogenics or “weight loss drugs”… I guess I have little will power and not enough determination…

ive been tryin to find a good approach to dieting. thing is, im a picky eater. i hate vegetables and shit.

what are some meals that i could make that dont require me eating all veg. and fruits.

what do u guys eat?

yeah I NEVER eat breakfast lol. I eat like once a day, sometimes not at all. I have gotten very use to not eating and can go without food for a day or two no problem, I get hungery, but I can put it off like no big thang. Amazing how college teaches you how to not eat lol. Take right now for instance, I am hungry, but its not bothering me. Its almost 2pm and I haven’t eaten since like 4pm yesterday, and all I ate was a peanutbutter sammich.

I’ve lost weight and have cut numerous times. Never not eat, you will gain it all back in fat no matter what you do. People may chime in and say blah blah blah you won’t but you do. In order to lose weight FOR GOOD you need to eat food simple as that…if not you can not eat and lose weight… but it comes back.

I lost like 50+ lbs in 3ish months, and I ate an avg of 800 calories a day, and that was usually it. About 4 months after eating regularly and diet and running I still gained the weight back.

However running & proper diet around 1500-2000 cal’s a day with some good carido had netted me about 11% body fat for a year and a half.

However right now I became lazy and put on some weight since moving to Buffalo lol.

Anybody workout at Golds Gym on Wehrle?

i live like 30 sec from that gym. how is it there?

thats your problem. You need to eat. When you starve yourself your body goes into fat store mode and then everything you do eat gets stored as fat. Its very important to eat when your hungry, just make sure its sensable.

few meals ill eat for dinner.

2-3 chicken tenders, side of whole kernal corn, sliced potato’s baked in the oven

Sliced ham steaks, green beans, sliced potatos

deli sliced turkey w/fat free gravy, (vegtable of your choice), etc,etc

if you dont feel like working out start eating right. 4-5 small meals a day to make sure your matabolism doesnt slow down. Try to eat carbs, when your body is at its peak activness, and never before bed.

I can go on, and on. Just need to make some changes.

I like it, they just rennovated the entire thing (in fact finishing up) and it was nice before, now its becoming pimp status. A waterfall in the foyer, sauna’s in the locker rooms. Take a tour, and get a free week pass. You’ll like it. Get in now before the rates jump. I pay 29.95/mo. I hear they are going up after the New Year when the rennovations are done.

At least someone else knows whats up.
Also I love fish, grilled fish with some lemon & pepper… mmm
And all veggies :thumbs up to veggies of all kinds:

But if your trying to lose weight, avoid carbs from starchy foods like breat…
But remember every once in a while isnt going to kill you, just work a little harder in the gym

meh, im having trouble finding grilled/baked fish that i like. I tried the talapia at rubytuesday and i wasnt really feelin it. Is there any kinda baked fish out there that doesnt taste so much like fish??lol

Yeah, that’s like the worst idea ever. If you only eat once every 24 hours, your body knows that it needs to store enough energy for that entire period. What is the best form of stored energy you ask? FAT.

Now say you eat 10 small, healthy “meals” a day. That’s only 2.4 hours between meals that your body has to worry about using the energy from the food you just ate. Your metabolism will speed up, not much fat will be stored and you won’t sound like a dumbass.

Haha i took it for a couple weeks… didnt do anything for me, I’m infantry by the way, so I understand the PT you do. It made me feel all fucked up because I was hyper all the time, but its basically like a huge fucking shot of caffeine.

Skipping meals is never a good idea. Most of the time a person will just compensate by eating more at other meals. Remember, the satiety feedback loop is not triggered by how much food is in the stomach (people with gastric bypass seldom feel as though they have ate enough–rather their is pain involved with overeating which stops them from eating more), but rather how much nutrients are being derived.