Hypothetically Speaking...

no one trusts anyone… but that’s b/c about 35-40% of people cheat in relationships. so who can you really trust? anyone know what the newest stat is for the percentage of marriages that end in divorce?

its exactly 50%

I bet she’s currently getting ATM in the back of a VW. pwny.

What stage is said VW at?

i know who everyone in the hypothetical 1st post is…haha

no you don’t. it’s purely hypothetical.

very true, i was just kidden… heres my stance…im guessing you cheated on her inthe 1st place? which is now why you are an ex of her. Basiclly i have no remorse for anyone who has cheated on thier g/f,b/f. If your going to waste your time in a relationship, be fuckin faithful and respectful.
As for this hypothetical case, its never nice to be a cockblock, but then agian, how much respect do you have for this girl, if its a lot then, make it known whats going on, but if your doing it soley to fuck the other guy over… then don’t waste your time.

the reason we broke up is independant of the current situation… i don’t think i’d get involved with her again, but still, i see her as a good friend, and she’s getting hosed…

she’s an ex, walk away.

I stopped reading right there. It was enough to give my opinion. Stop talking to your ex. She’s an “ex” for a reason, keep it that way. Life is so much easier when ex’s just go away.

sounds like you need to just let her experience the heart break… Some times the experience is more meaningful than being told…

also do you really want to get back together with her, if things ended badly… it will be kind of weird man… I say just drift away from her… and let her take her own life in her hands…

of course I would take the route of finding the kid and knocking his fucking teeth in… for being a total douche to the girl… and call it a day

i know my ex if someone was fucking her over i’d find him and cream him… and make it clear to him that he is the scum of the earth, give him the reason why he just got his ass kicked, and never let him know who i am

i say fuck it dude, try to not even think or bother with it

Is she one of those people that absolutely must be in a relationship?

I hate those people.

They’re so difficult to reason with. I wouldn’t even bother…

dude honestly newman, this said kid is making alot of enemies very quickly. I know you’re not into violence or anything, me neither, but he’s gonna get whats coming eventually.

disco is dead


Brother Newmanz,
I enjoy your Fbody drama. I even enjoy your VW hate. I am a big fan of your biting wit and unappologetic honesty bordering on attenion whoring. This thread is ruining my image of you as an uncaring prick. It is almost as bad as the other “what do I do about this crazy bitch” threads. The fact that you pose it as a hypthetical makes you almost as bad as Dos. Honestly dude, quit sucking.

okay so on to it.

This is a classic damsel/knight situation. She might be a cool girl you still like. But it sounds like she keeps puting herself in situations like this. It has been my experience that girls that constantly need to be saved, aren’t worth saving. Even if you could tell her about the other dude, what positive result would it bring? The only thing you can do is help her pick up the pieces, and that kind of makes you the “bitch to.”

Women are like old motorcycles…
Insert degrading analogy here

rrrrrrut rrrroowww :smash2:

You should pretend to make friends with her current boyfriend. Sleep over his house a bunch of times and what-not. Make sure to hang out with him a bunch, maybe even go drifting around residential areas and shit. Get them to break up and then start banging her.

and how the hell is her myspace not posted on here yet? hold on, ill have it up pretty soon so you guys can email her.

Sometimes you think you have something worth holding onto…then you lose it. Then something worlds better is right around the corner, and it’s everything you ever wanted out of a girl. Sorry to hear about your shit, everyone gets their fair share. Sorry I can’t offer great advice or anything, but sometimes you’ll be happier in the future, even if you can’t see yourself in the future with someone else…it might be right there waiting. Good luck…and if there wasn’t bad things, you wouldn’t have good things. So when you have the absolute worst situation, remember it’ll make the next one you really care about that much more worth it.