Hypothetically Speaking.....

Lets say, a stalker is calling, texting your gf. your gf, does not pick up the phone nor respond to there text’s. she told the stalker in the past, to leave her alone.

I don’t feel the need to get involved, she is a strong person, but the stalker has a past of getting violent.

anyone want to pay this person a visit for me and talk some sense into them?

NYC -or- WNY?

  • WNY
    if i was in town, belie-veee me shit would get talked out :slight_smile:

inform the police… she is being threatened… problem solved

gf stalkers are so goddamn annoying…

threaten the restraining order.

Threats are weak-sauce.

well, if it’s that bad, yeah, do it.

Fuck buddies for life!

Post info on interweb!

lol, i don’t think it has to come to that… but it might…

so far restraining order solution is in the lead…

anything else>??~???!?!?!


I think I know who you are talking about. That’s fucked up. I would say go with the restraining order.

As gratifying as it would be to see him beat to a bloody pulp, I would suggest the restraining order first. Then if he continues his BS A, the police can do something, B, you’re a little more protected when he mysteriously falls into a wood chipper.

I’ll pay him a visit, I HATE stalker ex’s

I will give him an old fashion beating… one where i punch him a lot more than he punches me :slight_smile:

ok…calm down johnny beatdown…we want to scare him… not put him in the hospital… :rofl:



Now I see.

I’m right behind you Jesse. :tup:

You can kick their ass…and then we’ll tell them “Don’t fuck with Beck”.

You can be the Chris Tucker character in Friday and tell him after the knockout that he did, in fact, get knocked out. You can even do the Darkkstar hair flip too. :tup:

don’t worry about what me and jesse are going to do. :wink:

and my hair has been cut. :tup:

good try matt, i still love you. :suckoff: