I’d probably not say anything.
Unlike this guy :
I’d probably not say anything.
Unlike this guy :
Niiice, “fingerblasteD”
Stupid slizzo! HAHAHA :lol:
Pwn3d BISH!
damn bridge and tunnel skanks! never trust em
Thank you for your concern. I’ll be sure to file it away under “L”
for “Long-winded diatribes from drunken whores I couldn’t care less
hahahahaha, that was a great read actually
i wish i woulda thought of something that clever when my X cheated on me, with one of my best friends :roll2:
that d00d is awesome, i like the part how she spilled her heart out and then asked him to “keep ur eyes peeled for my sunglasses”. Thats awesome, that made my day
No mercy, best way to deal with it.
Very Nice!!!
Already saw that but worth the extra read. :tup:
That was the best thing I’ve ever read… ever. :tup:
“talk to you never”
:tup: I want to buy that guy a beer, best read in a while
im with ya LMAO!
I can even handle the ugly words that were exchanged between us, what I can’t handle is thinking that you see me as a different person.
he will always ALWAYS see you as the girl who osnt mind giving blow jobs in public bathrooms. nothing will ever change that
only like 1% of the population has the ability to look at their cheating mate and let it slide …
i find it impossible to even look at a girl who i know has cheated on me … the only way i could look a girl like that inthe eyes is if she was drowning and calling for my help …
NASIOC has been coming up big lately, between “i am a street racer” and this masterpiece. Bitch got owned, good find!
I enjoyed that line hahaha
ahaha she got what she deserved
hey, at least it wasnt your ex gf… that was akward