Hypothetically speaking

Sorry man, I think its more like YOU got played, almost as much as your cousin did.

I know, my bad. I know you were looking for death from above or something rather, but I’m a pretty chill dude and not used to insulting anybody for something they just laugh at. I don’t know that darkstar knew that. Although it did let me finish watching the family guy movie I thought I’d fall asleep through.

whatever, i’m out. night.

I’m pretty sure she played them, and could do it again if she wated to. And how did I get played by fucking around? I was laughing with my friends the whole time I was typing this. Not to mention other people decided to get in on my pc and type also. You guys should come by it’s a party.

haha. dude my bad. :rolljerk: hit the sack and then goto sleep?

lighten up.

as i got you while you sat on the sidelines and added your 2 sense every other post. but thats cool i just fed the craziest bullshit that i could think of inbetween snackin on ho-ho’s


thread recap:






What? did I studder? You make a sarcastic remark like how “oh you really got him” In reality I did. Along with anyone else who thought I was fuckin serious. lol
Come on, all I did was goto his myspace and pick things from that and called them gay basically. lol. Just fuckin around, I got nothing better to do with my time. He probably is better than me. But yet all I did was feed the lions bullshit. heh


You just got Knocked the fuck out


haha, who are you? you come out of nowhere with these ridiculous posts and i love it!

Cool am I banned or something? If so whatever. Since I got what I wanted out of it. To really see how somepeople really are. And it worked. I laughed my ass off. I honestly did. And knocked out? I’m still laughing. Darstar left. He really think I was looking for a fight?

Dude just go to sleep and take it like the man you are

You lost thats all there is too it.

that’s a sore subject around here…

take what? i don’t understand since i wasn’t serious at all… i don’t even know darkstar… i didn’t even know who he was on this board until i picked him to go on a drunken rant about… lol, i don’t sleep by the way. so… not sure what you want me to do about it? or if you really think i’ll admit to saying any of that was true. well i am an srt major, i’m not that smart, and lucky to get in it. and i’ll admit to driving a piece of shit car… but whats that matter i’m on here to talk about cars… and look what i decided to do tonight, fuck with someone that is probably cool

suburban thrills is a bag of douche tho. thats my story and i’m sticking to it

word. i was on ubrf/roclife for a while, same username. used to have a few porsche 951s, an rsx before that and some v-dubs (nevermind the element, we don’t talk about that car haha).

hahaha. yea i’m hated either way. lol