Hypothetically speaking


HE PARTIES!:eekdance:


[size=2]Well boys and girls it looks like we are gonna see a shutout tonight!

FWIW: I just want to fuck the shit out of her. For no reason either, just to do it. Seems like it would be the right thing to do at the moment. Then I could feel what everyone else on here has felt. :rofl:

srt-major? did you mean art? or … ? :gotme:

what’s wrong with underage sluts, anyway?



(i don’t even know these clowns but this thread’s too funny to sit back and read)

I wish I knew how to use google images…

yet agian…

this came up for “love cock in tight stubby ass”



Well if you were educated about the situation you would understand why but w/e its not like were keeping score here or anything :gotme:

I think that this is what he meant:


see how he artfully used transparency?

sound recording technition, i’m sorry if fredonia only accepts 25 a year.

Dude, YOU SEXY!!

[size=2]Maybe we can run a train on her and then see how he feels? PM me if interested…

i’m glad i sit here and count on my friends to trash the only guy willing to stand up for whats right.


Did you research that to try and impress us? I’m pretty proud of my accomplishment of blowing the transmission considering it was from excess torque. Last I checked, actually making some kind of power in a car was why we were all here, not to discuss double penetration. There’s a “not work safe” section for that BTW. I noticed you’re new here, so I figured you might have been there yet.

Well if you think I’m going to do what I did yesterday, wow your so funny. Fucking my girlfriend, partying, and going to college as an srt-major, lets see you do something with your life, besides program fruity loops, fuck-o. I bet you have some under 18 nightclub to hit on underaged sluts. So I’m young and in college, and getting paid for it. Sounds good to me. But hey we all can’t be pimp and drive broken cars.

fuck-o? HAHAHAHA.

Since you’re so fly and we’re all bragging about what we have, let’s see some pics of your supermodel gf. Maybe I can rub one out to her picture, since I’m so lonely and desperate here sitting behind “fruity loops” all day. What about your car? Show us that too. My winter car is a 2001 Chevrolet Pick-up truck. Maybe you can top that with a siqqqq Chevy of your own. Again, like I said before, my car is pimper than yours, even broken. Also, you never replied to anything about my “parents disowning me.” What’s the deal, avoiding something? Oh wait, you’re wrong.

In all honesty though, programming fruity loops is not something I do, good lookin. I use real turntables. They probably cost more then your car, fyi. As for ripping on my hobby, you can go to my web site below and check out my next dates.

Speaking of avoiding certain topics…1988 called, they want your mom to wear a condom.

I don’t see any “underage night clubs” listed, but I see the next show is thursday and it’s alongside a national act named the Gym Class Heroes. Hey, someone’s doing something with their life around here…no shit? You party and fuck your girlfriend? AWESOME DUDE. I’m so fucking jealous right now I’m gonna sell my turntables and buy a hooker, and the whole time I’m railing her I’ll pretend I’m you. You’re in college!!! Awesome, me too, and like everyone else here!

Again, to clarify, you’re not going to do anything about it, so just leave now. You’re making yourself look really stupid in front of everyone over me saying “har har.”

ooooh fredonia, wow I’m jealous / sorry that shit school RIT only let me take two classes involving ProTools, with out tiny equipment budget and all in Film/Animation.

apology accepted. i’ll admit, i was heated for a second.

Darkkstar- 4
ChevyChase- 0


this kid just keeps coming back for more!

omfg I think I just woke my gf up again laughing!!! :rofl:


Wow I have never talked to anyone that had such a hardon about themselves and talked themselved up to be god. I’m sorry if I don’t have the padded life like yours, and brag about what I own and what other people don’t have, listen to yourself, you sound like an asshole. My car is a beretta, and unlike you, other people appreciate what they earned in life, and what that stands for.

And btw. My little brother and his 6th grade friends called, they want their style back.

I like how all you talk about is how better you are than me in the financial aspect of life. Like that is real fuckin cool. And your the one that said I’d be doing what I did yesterday with my life. Free ride to college, EARNED and other great things in life besides the cheese factor youbuilt yourself to be.


Fixed that for you.

Well, this thread is over.