Hypothetically speaking

But I thought your little brother wore your old clothes? So wouldnt that make it… your style? :gotme:

hey, retard, you started it.


do us all a favor - use what “it stands for” in a productive manner, kthxbye

PS - I am an asshole, and proud of it. :rant:


It stands for poverty?

Get the fuck outta here. I have a hard-on for myself? Go home, little boy. You’re getting served, and this was your chance to pull something good. You already “dug up” all that other shit about me, and that’s the best you could do? I don’t appreciate what I have, yet I’m bragging about it? MAKES SENSE. I guess we better call Mensa up, they must have forgot about you when they last recruited.

If I recall you were the one bragging about having the life of the party and all that shit. We got the car out of ya, let’s see the slophouse that rides shotty.

And btw. My little brother and his 6th grade friends called, they want their style back.

That’s cool, I can understand they’d want my style. After all, they’re stuck wearing your old clothes since you used the money to buy that siqqqqq beretta of yours.

I like how all you talk about is how better you are than me in the financial aspect of life. Like that is real fuckin cool. And your the one that said I’d be doing what I did yesterday with my life. Free ride to college, EARNED and other great things in life besides the cheese factor youbuilt yourself to be.

I like how you were the one that started bragging about themselves, and quickly got shot down. Every time I bring something up, you avoid it and move on. Just give up while you’re ahead.

dude, if you learned the difference between YOUR and YOU’RE i’d take YOUR arguments a bit more seriously. but since YOU’RE an SRT-major and not an english major, i’ll cut you some slack.

Darkkstar- 5
ChevyChase- 0

oh and “cheese factor?” couldn’t you pick something a little more…you know…something that didn’t sound like your 6th grade brother told you over the phone?

You called me out on playing with “fruity loops” all day, I backed it up with a date, this thursday, I’m playing alongside a national act which gets regular radio play right here in Buffalo. Cheese factor? I think more like successful at what I do, something I have yet to see proven by yourself.

that constitutes as a shutout. let’s all (chevychase) bandage our cuts and call it a night.

I’m sorry if I don’t have time to sit here all day and shoot the shit with you guys about who has the cooler comebacks.

I also liked how far you dragged this away from the topic and put your own personal life into this so you can use that against me in all ways possible. Then rip on anything in my life that has meaning.

Dude, ChevyChase, Im willing to give you some pitty points here but damn kid, step it up a little. Your arguments suck, from what I hear, almost as well as your cousin. No one likes to see a shutout. Knock it out…And Im not talkin about the girl.

It is 3 am.

You started all sorts of shit saying you were going to beat the shit out of someone, WHAT DID YOU EXPECT TO HAPPEN?
They would just reply with - “super!”

Have a goodnight.:wiggle:

I’m sure anyword wouldn’t of been good enough for you. Just like you mom last night.

You spin records with your skinny ass arms… You just happen to be good at it. I don’t recall me ever knocking you for opining… not playing along side with gch, you just decided to bring that in by saying that. So what… I played before The Slackers, Streetlight Manifesto, and Reel Big Fish. So what.

You were the one that specifically, initially (and proudly), stated how well he was doing in life. You are clearly not an intelligent person, regardless of comebacks, anyone with a proper High School or even lower education knows threatening someone is illegal, and that doing it in writing, in the eyes of the public, is probably one of the stupidest things you could do. So when, which I doubt, decide it would be a brilliant idea to punch me in public over saying “har har” on here, you will be riding a Metro bus after my lawyer puts you in deeper poverty then you’re already in.

Good night buddy. I know it’s difficult trying to argue when your heart rate never exceeds your IQ rating and all.

“I gotta give him a “point” for this one. Although its a throwback to 3rd grade, hes starting to turn is game around a lil. Lets se what happens after the break. And now a word from our sponsors”

ChevyChase- .75

Read that out loud and let me know if that makes any sense. “Your mom” is played out, by the way. Put the phone down, the 6th graders aren’t competitive in a college environment.

You spin records with your skinny ass arms… You just happen to be good at it. I don’t recall me ever knocking you for opining… not playing along side with gch, you just decided to bring that in by saying that. So what… I played before The Slackers, Streetlight Manifesto, and Reel Big Fish. So what.

Congrats! Since you got a look at my “skinny ass arms,” let’s see your built body. It’s only right after you posted all sorts of sweet pics of me trying to insult me (which readily failed). Maybe you can scan in the pic of you in GQ.


Suck a dick (no homo).

AND WERE BACK. Just like that Darkkstar steals the point.

Darkkstar- 6
ChevyChase- .75

[size=2]edit: you can keep the pitty point, Darkkstar doesnt want it.

hahahaha, this is hilarious. it is getting old though. I really wish he’d give in and just let it go already.

yeah because that is intelligent. poverty. nice one also. try me, i’ll threaten you all day. and i don’t give a fuck. now i know how you make your money.

bed time for you i guess. sucks taking basic education doesn’t it?