I <3 Mandi

Guys, how could we not have figured it out:

Treads4heads: dude, wtf?
Mustang1523: who are u
Treads4heads: i called the lambo dealership, and they don’t know you
Treads4heads: how the fuck do they not know you?
Mustang1523: dude, u have no life
Treads4heads: you are Andrew Bernett, lambo owner at 19, and next kid prodigy
Treads4heads: Richest kid on the east coast
Treads4heads: hottest girlfriend ever
Treads4heads: fastest car owner
Treads4heads: So how the FUCK do they not know you?
Treads4heads: Andrew?
Mustang1523: what
Treads4heads: how do they not know you?
Treads4heads: http://www.mediamax.com/vq30de/Hosted/06-07-07_1222.mp3
Mustang1523: um maybe cause i don’t own it anymore
Treads4heads: That’s them saying they don’t know Andrew
Treads4heads: OH
Mustang1523: i live in nc
Mustang1523: duh
Treads4heads: You sold it
Treads4heads: how could I have not figured that out
Mustang1523: cause ur dumb
Mustang1523: idk
Treads4heads: must be
Treads4heads: but, at least my car is faster :slight_smile: