I <3 Mandi

This is by far the best thread of 2007 to date.

this is awesome. but I feel bad there is a strong possibility that he is mentally retarded haha.


or this one

RE:RE: Ugly Car

I suck at life. Maybe I’ll buy another mustang, then we can hang out and you can teach me how not to be a dipshit? what do you say? And I was just kidding about the wheels thing. Everyone knows that smaller and lighter wheels really have no performance benefit. So what is that beast running? mid-low 16’s? Trapping at 80-ish? SiiiiQQQ


Not the best, but hell, why not add it to the mix.


Guys, how could we not have figured it out:

Treads4heads: dude, wtf?
Mustang1523: who are u
Treads4heads: i called the lambo dealership, and they don’t know you
Treads4heads: how the fuck do they not know you?
Mustang1523: dude, u have no life
Treads4heads: you are Andrew Bernett, lambo owner at 19, and next kid prodigy
Treads4heads: Richest kid on the east coast
Treads4heads: hottest girlfriend ever
Treads4heads: fastest car owner
Treads4heads: So how the FUCK do they not know you?
Treads4heads: Andrew?
Mustang1523: what
Treads4heads: how do they not know you?
Treads4heads: http://www.mediamax.com/vq30de/Hosted/06-07-07_1222.mp3
Mustang1523: um maybe cause i don’t own it anymore
Treads4heads: That’s them saying they don’t know Andrew
Treads4heads: OH
Mustang1523: i live in nc
Mustang1523: duh
Treads4heads: You sold it
Treads4heads: how could I have not figured that out
Mustang1523: cause ur dumb
Mustang1523: idk
Treads4heads: must be
Treads4heads: but, at least my car is faster :slight_smile:

How come the neon driver was just looking to hang and the mustang driver got all insecure and nasty? I thought it was supposed to be the other way around? :rofl:

haha, that’s my fave part.

first off, she’s not a duck

HAHAHAHAHAH after 5mins of me not talking I get

Mustang1523: stop messaging me or i will break ur fucking arms off


haha, that’s my fave part.

first off, she’s not a duck



i died. Thats the best thing I have ever read.

I bet Al Gore is rolling in his grave right now. This is NOT what he invented the internet for.

Sent him another message.

She might not be a duck, but she sure as hell looks like one.

Cmon dude, you can’t tell me you don’t see any resemblance to a duck here


Look at that duck bill…er…lips!

I bet you really do know she looks like a duck, since you look like you’re ready to cry in that photo. It’s ok though, because she’ll always have your huge ears, your chinless face and your terrible acne to distract people from thinking about how ducky she is.

You’re really a perfect couple. Congrats on finding her!


How come the neon driver was just looking to hang and the mustang driver got all insecure and nasty? I thought it was supposed to be the other way around? :rofl:


because I dont drive an ugly baby blue neon with shark teeth for a hood

that shit on his lip, gots some shit on his lip…

damn herpes


because I dont drive an ugly baby blue neon with shark teeth for a hood


:stuck_out_tongue: And because your car is obviously way better than his.


dawn gets bonus points for calling him “bro”!


dude, give up already, u and your freinds have no life, ur fucking gto blows ass, and looks like an old lady car. ive seen a better design on a shopping cart. so why dont u come to NC and show me that your car doesnt suck ass.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Scuba Steve
Date: Jun 7, 2007 10:04 AM

I suck at life. Maybe I’ll buy another mustang, then we can hang out and you can teach me how not to be a dipshit? what do you say? And I was just kidding about the wheels thing. Everyone knows that smaller and lighter wheels really have no performance benefit. So what is that beast running? mid-low 16’s? Trapping at 80-ish? SiiiiQQQ

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: jersey boy 4 life
Date: Jun 7, 2007 11:53 AM

lets see dip shit, um what do any wheels give you. nice joke, too bad it sucked.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Scuba Steve
Date: Jun 7, 2007 8:44 AM

what kind of performance gains did those wheels net you?

sublimechica 19: a/s/l?
Mustang1523: what
sublimechica 19: age/sex/location
Mustang1523: who the hell are you
sublimechica 19: mandi. u?
Mustang1523: u have a myspace?
sublimechica 19: naw. i have a friendster tho
Mustang1523: good, send me the link to ur page
sublimechica 19: y
Mustang1523: so i can see if your worth talking to
sublimechica 19: o okie. hold on.
sublimechica 19: hold on my computers slow .
Mustang1523: k
sublimechica 19: i cant find the link i havnet used it in a real long time
sublimechica 19: i never used myspace tho whats it about?
Mustang1523: well u have any pics then?
sublimechica 19: yeah
Mustang1523: u gonna send one
sublimechica 19 wants to directly connect.
Mustang1523 is now directly connected.
sublimechica 19:
Mustang1523: ok i think your def worth talking to
Mustang1523: where did u find me
sublimechica 19: just browsing.
Mustang1523: on what
sublimechica 19: aol.
Mustang1523: oh ok
sublimechica 19: wats up?
Mustang1523: u kno what i look like?
sublimechica 19: no
sublimechica 19: im just bored.
Mustang1523: ok, ill send u one
sublimechica 19: mmkay
sublimechica 19: oh damn you work out?
Mustang1523: everyday
sublimechica 19: sweet.
sublimechica 19: me too. not everyday tho.
sublimechica 19: so what are you into?
Mustang1523: well u deffinatly dont need too
sublimechica 19: lol
Mustang1523: ur pretty smokin
sublimechica 19: thanx.
Mustang1523: where ya from
sublimechica 19: well im from monroe ny but i live in nj now.
sublimechica 19: you?
Mustang1523: oh ok, i moved to north carolina from jersey, across from seaside hights
sublimechica 19: oh cool. i know alotta peeps who moved to nc.
sublimechica 19: do you go to school there?
Mustang1523: ya
sublimechica 19: oh whats your major?
Mustang1523: i go to east carolina university
Mustang1523: international business management
sublimechica 19: oh damn thats some shit right there.
sublimechica 19: what do you plan on being
Mustang1523: yup

… there’s way more to come.

or you can just tell me what you have because I’m sure my Evo would beat your POS cars and have your g/f sucking my dick. Chow for now

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: <a href=‘http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=101055303&MyToken=16218b22-9345-43ae-a29e-8f6a02308911’>jersey boy 4 life</a>
Date: Jun 7, 2007 11:02 AM

ha ha, you guys are funny, what is this some kind of make shift, ass pirate car club? first of all that isnt what i would even race u with, thats for drivin around the city and whatever and is used as a show car. if u would like to see any of my other cars that i would gladly kick ur ass with, go to facebook, and see my car photo album.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: <a href=‘http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=34176367&MyToken=b1ed23cb-0e66-404b-91f7-8f25f59c77e7’>R.I.P Travis</a>
Date: Jun 7, 2007 7:03 AM

That Neon R/T is prob faster than your Mustang FYI.

Also, I’ll race you for your mustang?

Let me know Jersey boy


sublimechica 19: a/s/l?
Mustang1523: what
sublimechica 19: age/sex/location
Mustang1523: who the hell are you
sublimechica 19: mandi. u?
Mustang1523: u have a myspace?
sublimechica 19: naw. i have a friendster tho
Mustang1523: good, send me the link to ur page
sublimechica 19: y
Mustang1523: so i can see if your worth talking to
sublimechica 19: o okie. hold on.
sublimechica 19: hold on my computers slow .
Mustang1523: k
sublimechica 19: i cant find the link i havnet used it in a real long time
sublimechica 19: i never used myspace tho whats it about?
Mustang1523: well u have any pics then?
sublimechica 19: yeah
Mustang1523: u gonna send one
sublimechica 19 wants to directly connect.
Mustang1523 is now directly connected.
sublimechica 19:
Mustang1523: ok i think your def worth talking to
Mustang1523: where did u find me
sublimechica 19: just browsing.
Mustang1523: on what
sublimechica 19: aol.
Mustang1523: oh ok
sublimechica 19: wats up?
Mustang1523: u kno what i look like?
sublimechica 19: no
sublimechica 19: im just bored.
Mustang1523: ok, ill send u one
sublimechica 19: mmkay
sublimechica 19: oh damn you work out?
Mustang1523: everyday
sublimechica 19: sweet.
sublimechica 19: me too. not everyday tho.
sublimechica 19: so what are you into?
Mustang1523: well u deffinatly dont need too
sublimechica 19: lol
Mustang1523: ur pretty smokin
sublimechica 19: thanx.
Mustang1523: where ya from
sublimechica 19: well im from monroe ny but i live in nj now.
sublimechica 19: you?
Mustang1523: oh ok, i moved to north carolina from jersey, across from seaside hights
sublimechica 19: oh cool. i know alotta peeps who moved to nc.
sublimechica 19: do you go to school there?
Mustang1523: ya
sublimechica 19: oh whats your major?
Mustang1523: i go to east carolina university
Mustang1523: international business management
sublimechica 19: oh damn thats some shit right there.
sublimechica 19: what do you plan on being
Mustang1523: yup

… there’s way more to come.


set him up and message his G/F :lol: