I <3 Mandi

----------------- Original Message -----------------
“sorry i have a girlfriend, and ur not exactly up to my standards, sorry.”

Hahahahahahahaah. Baby, darling, hunny, you’re not up to my standards either. You, kid, you’re the nerdiest fucking skinny ass white boy I’ve ever seen. You have big goofy ears, and a big nose. You must be jewish or something. Probably, right? It’s ok though bro. I wonder how hard it is to live the rest of your life with a pencil dick.

AND, while we’re chatting, your car FUCKING BLOWS. It’s such a bitch car. Perfect fit for you I suppose. Piece of shit Ford Mustang. “Oh oh, I have a lambo too.” Yeah, fuck you. Come shoot my house up. I don’t care. I rent! Now what, pussy. You talk, I’ll talk back.

And by the way, your girlfriend is beat. She has nothing going on. Brown hair, brown eyes. How boring. Not to mention the fact that she looks like Donald Duck. I hope Tabbi doesn’t leave you for one of my buddies. They have faster cars than you, and they’re better looking. Shit, I think my grandma’s Grand Am is faster than your car. What you got under the hood? A cold air intake? SCARY!


here it is in mp3


hahahaha. that’s fucking epic.

lets be honest this kids mother is a slam pig and probably married a salesman at the lambo dealership…what a fag or he is a detail boy but personaly i would not let him scrape the rubber out of my wheel wells


Andrew Bernett


I love you dawn





I love when NYspeed comes together with a common goal.


I love when NYspeed comes together with a common goal.


Yeah. It gets pretty ugly.

that was awesome hahahahahah


here it is in mp3



Cinnabon for you! :tup:


I posted up on craigslist looking to see if there was anyone interested in cars in the area. That I was looking to see if there was anything slightly organized like here. this is the reply I get


Remember, no matter what, your Buffalo ppl got your back


I found a couple Andrew Bernett’s on facebook
but I can’t view either profile. And I really wanted to see a bunch of pics of other peoples cars :frowning:
Hopefully, he’ll accept my friend request :slight_smile:


Remember, no matter what, your Buffalo ppl got your back



Haha, very true, Carl (and anyone else involved) can I count on you to continue this harassment? Please…

Haha, this thread is great.

u gotta be his friend to see his shit, great convos though

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA i missed this whole fucking page



Can we change the thread title to something more relevant?

I am not as witty as some of you guys, so someone think of a good one.


Remember, no matter what, your Buffalo ppl got your back



haha, you guys are awsome



wait, how did you know which dealership to call?

his first myspace picture says LAMBO BERGEN or something.