I <3 Mandi

So he said his car was worth more than my house. I said jokes on him cause i live in my parents basement, which isnt true. I live in their spare bedroom :slight_smile: anywho this isnt about me being a loser its about him.

im glad your so proud of being a total loser, and live in your parents basement. And i really dont care wether or not you belive they are pretend or not, i know they are in my garage, so it doesnt really matter if think so or not. either way u still suck at life, have no life, and are a waste to society. why dont you get a job and get a real car then come talk to me, i dont waste my time talking to losers. so enjoy jacking off to your mom.


what kind of performance gains did those wheels net you?

[quote]lets see dip shit, um what do any wheels give you. nice joke, too bad it sucked.

first of all asshole, the garage isnt attahced to the house, and im not walking all way to the other side of the property to take a fucking picture for you. i dont need to prove to you that i have them fag. like i said i really dont give a shit what u think.

Ok. This is where I come in and play.



nice move against hottie tabbie. Hopefully he will swoop in and save the day with some witty comment on our shitty cars.

dawn just shedded 30lbs for posting that fyi, good for her :slight_smile:

barronvonWortzen: yo man
barronvonWortzen: whats your name?
barronvonWortzen: so I can call the lambo dealership
barronvonWortzen: and prove you own it
Mustang1523: my name is fuck off
barronvonWortzen: and shut these fools up
Mustang1523: i dont really care what they think
barronvonWortzen: well I do
Mustang1523: why
barronvonWortzen: because theyre all gay
barronvonWortzen: trust me
barronvonWortzen: i know
Mustang1523: i see tht
barronvonWortzen: whats your name
barronvonWortzen: come on dude
Mustang1523: i dont need to waste my time with them
barronvonWortzen: bro
Mustang1523: im not ur bro
barronvonWortzen: mustang bros need to stick together
Mustang1523: thats cool, but i have a business to run and i dont really have time for this gay shit
barronvonWortzen: the dealership?
Mustang1523: and if he post anything about me on the internet, i will have his house shot up, i am not somone they should be fucking with
Mustang1523: money will get you anything
Mustang1523: apparentky they dont realize that
barronvonWortzen: dude
barronvonWortzen: let me call the dealer
barronvonWortzen: and ask for you
barronvonWortzen: and post an Mp3 of it
barronvonWortzen: i swear
barronvonWortzen: it will shut everyone down
barronvonWortzen: and make them feel bad about themselves
Mustang1523: and reall i dont care
barronvonWortzen: i do
barronvonWortzen: my dad has a 355
barronvonWortzen: and wants to get a gallardo
barronvonWortzen: i live near bergen lambo
barronvonWortzen: come on bro
barronvonWortzen: throw me the digits
Mustang1523: look it up in the phone book loser
barronvonWortzen: i already have the #
Mustang1523: then leave me alone
barronvonWortzen: i just want your last name
barronvonWortzen: andrew
barronvonWortzen: so I can confirm with the dealer you own in

Barronvonwortzen, you have received a warning. Your warning level has gone from 0% to 10%

go dawn!

and car= my hero


someone please photo shop this

Someone get me his last name

Fucking stat!

Andrew Bernett

DeStijl1337: broseph
DeStijl1337: why the warning?
DeStijl1337: that was lame
Mustang1523: yo fuck off
Mustang1523: fag

see if we had vaginas we could get all the information we needed right away

Yep yep yep

here it comes boys and girls


Someone get me his last name

Fucking stat!


it will be on the face book but newmans link is no workie

in! lol

The kids facebook profile is private, and I donā€™t feel like friending him to ā€œsee his lambo dealershipā€.

mp3 below


right click save as.

Its some wacky format though. .amr?


and im converting to mp3, will be up in a few


when i open it opens in real player or something weird it really doesnt work

ok im converting it to mp3