I <3 Mandi


not to be a downer… just a little voice of reason…

So the kid is an ass. Is it REALLY worth destroying a relationship over? Think about how many times you have talked shit, or exaggerated HP numbers, or magazine raced someone. Would you have really wanted to bring down an entire message board on you, hell bent on destroying a relationship with someone you probably care very much about?

Yes, he’s pompus
Yes, he’s a dick
Yes, he’s probably not the best guy for that girl to be dating, but thats for her to find out on her own, not for an elaborate set up to ruin his personal life because he made a bunch of ass-hat comments.
Yes, he’s probably old enough to know better, but hey, maybe he will mature late.

It was fun while it lasted, and i’ll admitt i laughed, but lets let it go now.
No need to take it to that level.
flamesuit… fuck the flame suit. i stand by my comments lol

