I <3 Mandi


holy shit, biggest nyspeed meet ever might me 12 hours away in NC, lol


hahaha, that would be hilarious :headbang:

edit: so who’s ordering the transvestite hooker to meet him at the airport?

From the AIM convo, she sounds like she is losing him or at least he suspects something…

I told her to say that she has an X boyfriend stalking her and to ask him for advice on how to deal with it…

good idea

dawn, if you gots a mic on your computer, call him thru skype

sublimechica 19 (8:38:18 PM): we have so much in common omg
Mustang1523 (8:38:26 PM): lol
Mustang1523 (8:39:31 PM): whats ur fav part of jersey
sublimechica 19 (8:39:46 PM): atlantic city
sublimechica 19 (8:39:49 PM): i love gambling hehe
Mustang1523 (8:39:59 PM): lol
Mustang1523 (8:40:00 PM): ya
sublimechica 19 (8:40:22 PM): i love asbury park too i think its so pretty on the water
sublimechica 19 (8:40:27 PM): it sucks that its all run down tho!
Mustang1523 (8:40:41 PM): yeah really
Mustang1523 (8:40:50 PM): kinda like the other side of a c
sublimechica 19 (8:41:51 PM): i might ahve to go soon
Mustang1523 (8:41:55 PM): oh ok
sublimechica 19 (8:41:57 PM): my ex is bothering me
Mustang1523 (8:42:03 PM): oh how gay
sublimechica 19 (8:42:03 PM): he wont stop sayin mean shit to me
sublimechica 19 (8:42:07 PM): i know
sublimechica 19 (8:42:20 PM): i tried to block him but he keps imin me
sublimechica 19 (8:42:25 PM): im gonna cry
Mustang1523 (8:42:32 PM): well u should get here soon, so i can make u feel better
sublimechica 19 (8:42:38 PM): ya i know
sublimechica 19 (8:42:40 PM): i need a good man
Mustang1523 (8:42:49 PM): well there is one right here
sublimechica 19 (8:42:58 PM): baby i cant wait
sublimechica 19 (8:43:00 PM): for real
sublimechica 19 (8:43:00 PM): like
sublimechica 19 (8:43:04 PM): i need to get outta here!
Mustang1523 (8:43:06 PM): lol
Mustang1523 (8:43:13 PM): i cant wait to see u either
sublimechica 19 (8:43:40 PM): and then when you come here
sublimechica 19 (8:43:42 PM): omg
sublimechica 19 (8:43:45 PM): this summers gonna be great
Mustang1523 (8:43:49 PM): lol, yup
Mustang1523 (8:45:30 PM): and i mean my house is plenty big to have ur own room, but i think u would probly want to stay with me instaed
sublimechica 19 (8:45:35 PM): ya
sublimechica 19 (8:45:41 PM): and cuddle everynight
sublimechica 19 (8:45:46 PM): and wake up to you
Mustang1523 (8:45:56 PM): ya deffinatley
Mustang1523 (8:46:52 PM): i would have to pinch myself when i wake up next to u cause i would think i would be dreaming to wake up to such a beautiful girl like u
sublimechica 19 (8:47:05 PM): why?
sublimechica 19 (8:47:12 PM): im not that beautiful
Mustang1523 (8:47:17 PM): ya you are
Mustang1523 (8:47:36 PM): u are georgous
sublimechica 19 (8:48:21 PM): i think my nose is too big
sublimechica 19 (8:48:25 PM): and my thighs
sublimechica 19 (8:48:31 PM): i dunno im not perfect
Mustang1523 (8:48:51 PM): i dont care, i think u are really really hot
Mustang1523 (8:48:59 PM): u have perfect legs
sublimechica 19 (8:49:09 PM): thanx!
Mustang1523 (8:49:33 PM): i would love to see them in person
sublimechica 19 (8:50:01 PM): you have great arms!
Mustang1523 (8:50:08 PM): lol, thanx
Mustang1523 (8:50:26 PM): u also have great evrything else as well
Mustang1523 (8:50:31 PM): perfect package
sublimechica 19 (8:50:47 PM): i hope you do 2
sublimechica 19 (8:50:50 PM): if you get what imean hehehe
sublimechica 19 (8:50:55 PM): oh man im gettin dirty hehehe
Mustang1523 (8:51:05 PM): lol, you dont have to worry about that
Mustang1523 (8:51:18 PM): i got ya covered on that one
sublimechica 19 (8:51:36 PM): ill be your queen
Mustang1523 (8:51:46 PM): id like that
sublimechica 19 (8:52:57 PM): im scared of meeting people
sublimechica 19 (8:53:03 PM): like yer friends and shit what are they gonna think1
Mustang1523 (8:53:43 PM): oh they will love you
Mustang1523 (8:53:46 PM): they are cool
sublimechica 19 (8:54:03 PM): by the way…
sublimechica 19 (8:54:07 PM): im scared of girls
sublimechica 19 (8:54:13 PM): just so you know baby
Mustang1523 (8:54:34 PM): oh well i dont really have any friends that are girls here, those are all up at college
Mustang1523 (8:54:45 PM): so u dont have to worry about that
sublimechica 19 (8:55:01 PM): wait i thought you went to college in nc?
Mustang1523 (8:55:06 PM): i do
sublimechica 19 (8:55:11 PM): is yer apartment not around there?
Mustang1523 (8:55:20 PM): my house is in new bern
Mustang1523 (8:55:38 PM): my apartment is in greenville at school
sublimechica 19 (8:55:50 PM): ooooh
Mustang1523 (8:57:14 PM): you’ll be the only girl for me
sublimechica 19 (8:57:56 PM): what bout yer mom heheh
Mustang1523 (8:58:08 PM): lol
Mustang1523 (8:58:15 PM): the only one for other things
Mustang1523 (8:58:18 PM): ha ha
sublimechica 19 (8:59:23 PM): [SIZE=-0]http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/aolbart:/1024/id/2B000001E4/3A2D29[/SIZE]
sublimechica 19 (8:59:37 PM): ok baby im gonna go to bed cuz my ex is being a huge jerk right now and i cant deal!
sublimechica 19 (8:59:42 PM): hes a huge loesr
sublimechica 19 (8:59:47 PM): he doesnt even have a car!
Mustang1523 (8:59:49 PM): i hear ya
Mustang1523 (8:59:53 PM): lol
Mustang1523 (9:00:02 PM): what a d-bag
Mustang1523 (9:00:24 PM): ok hunni, try and call me tomorrow, k
sublimechica 19 (9:01:08 PM): k abby
sublimechica 19 (9:01:10 PM): baby*
sublimechica 19 (9:01:12 PM): teeheheh
Mustang1523 (9:01:24 PM): ok, sleep weel beautiful

Will we need a teaser call tomorrow?

hook, line and sinker…

Hopefully I hang out with Howie tomorrow night, and I’ll call him then and he can partake in it. Hahah.

lol back under control

even if he does find out early… he’s still FAWKED either way! :slight_smile: and that makes me smile

One of you guys should IM the dood pretending to be her X and threaten his ass… It will add to the realism…

PS - the pic of him with the Maserati is real, just probably in some random parking lot. Flash photos do weird things, so him being closer to the camera makes him a lot brighter. But notice the shadow his ugly head is throwing on the far wall - it’s just slightly down and to the left of his head. The flash would be slightly above and to the left (our right) of the lens. In my opinion - it’s an unaltered photo.

I wonder if he calls his girlfriend “hunni”.


One of you guys should IM the dood pretending to be her X and threaten his ass… It will add to the realism…


Nah. Let it rest. Patience is about the best thing to add to the realism.

So, how will this make its way to the rest of the internets? Do we have a portal to the other internets?

wow so i come home from a really slow day at work to this thread. absolutely priceless. i read the whole thread and i’ve been dying laughing :smiley:

I agree. When does a psycho ex find out about another person? It’s at least a few days.

Also, it should be when Dawn is on. And whoever does it should be able to ask Dawn questions in case he tries to ask questions. Or maybe whoever does it can make up somewhat of a story with Dawn before hand, and stick to it.

Lying is a tricky business.

I’d say at least a week

About two weeks, but that is way to long to wait… Maybe 12 hours

Too soon and she may seem psycho to this charming individual for telling her “psycho ex” that she is talking to somebody.

LOL this just keeps getting better and better…

You fuckers should be planning bank heists or some shit, holy crap :eek: