I <3 Mandi

proper way to fake a psycho ex in this situation

-call toolbag on a cell, talk to him for a while
-have “ex bf” call the HOUSE phone at dawns location
-dawn sets down cell close to housephone, so the screaming doneby the “psycho ex” is heard by toolbag thru the cell

tollbag will hear everything, and wont have a doubt in his head

this leads perfectly into dawn 'realy wanting to get out of town for a while"

just gotta get the toolbag to pay for airfare somehow …

yeah, sorry to say, but lets wait a week from today, for the fake phone sechs convo. Till then we should and keep everything as low key as possible

wow I def stayed up an extra 40 mins to catch up

A++^2 fukin priceless


just gotta get the toolbag to pay for airfare somehow …


I’ll chip in like five bucks to send dawn to NC if we need to


proper way to fake a psycho ex in this situation

-call toolbag on a cell, talk to him for a while
-have “ex bf” call the HOUSE phone at dawns location
-dawn sets down cell close to housephone, so the screaming doneby the “psycho ex” is heard by toolbag thru the cell

tollbag will hear everything, and wont have a doubt in his head

this leads perfectly into dawn 'realy wanting to get out of town for a while"

just gotta get the toolbag to pay for airfare somehow …



well no one volunteered to be the Ex yet

ill do it if need be

[quote=“Bsp TC,post:306,topic:30584"”]

well no one volunteered to be the Ex yet

i do it if need be


Again, in my opinion, leave it alone. Next thing you know, you step in and be the ex… then someone else doesn’t notice these posts and they do it, too. It would ruin everything real fast.


Again, in my opinion, leave it alone. Next thing you know, you step in and be the ex… then someone else doesn’t notice these posts and they do it, too. It would ruin everything real fast.


thats why when its ready it needs to be organized
not spur of the moment

and how do we know hes not doing the same thing we are to him, maybe hes fucking with us

Is there a word beyond epic that can describe this? Honestly I can’t think of anything.

He lacks the mental capacity to screw with us, it’s quite obvious based on everything before this occured.

I still want to do some epic photoshoppage here involving a siq v6 camaro, and the alter ego of dawn.

:lol: just got caught up on this, this is fucking fantastic i would actually kill my final remaining sick day to go see this if it actually goes down.

Dawn i’ve never met you, or made fun of you as reading this thread it seems liek that is some sort of common practice, but you, are the fucking woMAN

whatever happens, if dawn or anyone calls him, the phone call NEEDS to be recorded. Oterwise this will all have been done in vein…

Dawn, we hung out, and you were cool as hell…

You are now by far the coolest chick I’ve met in a long time.

Keep up the good work!

honestly am really impressed with dawn right now shes my new hero supermans a pussy compared to her

hahaha, I’ve been reading along since earlier tonight at work. I thought you lost him when he mentioned friends in Buffalo and he might still be wise but you did a good job playing it off.

PumiceT’s right, the longer you draw this out the better and more realistic it is. I mean honestly what kind of hot girl would up and want to fly out to meet someone after talking to them for half a day on IM? Draw it out over a few weeks, talking to him here and there about whatever. Get him to to the point where he’s IMing you and calling and crap then you know you probably have him locked up.

Then the pwnage.

Dawn, you make me regret every fatty attack i ever made against you.

your my hero


ROFLMAO This thread > *



ROFL. Thread of the year.




hahahaha. i can’t stop laughing.
OMG HE JUST SENT ME A PHOTOSHOPPED PIC;laskjfl;sakjdfl;askhdlfhjsadf


and i quote mens health… “if you wear your cell phone on a clip with your shirt tucked into, you will never get laid again… true story”

quality nyspeed thread… A++++ , i was totally upset by it when i clicked it and it was only 3 pages long, but ive been entertained for the past hour reading up… :tup:

Epic still.

I can tell u that he most likely is falling for it. Hes dumbfounded that this girl is showing the most interest ne girl has ever shown in him. Yes he might be thinking its too good to be tru. But he will tell himself it is tru. Shes proly the only thing on his mind. So forgive me if i missed it but. Are we actually going to let dawn meet him at the airport? Or are we going to swap her with a tranny hooker or somthing?


I can tell u that he most likely is falling for it. Hes dumbfounded that this girl is showing the most interest ne girl has ever shown in him. Yes he might be thinking its too good to be tru. But he will tell himself it is tru. Shes proly the only thing on his mind. So forgive me if i missed it but. Are we actually going to let dawn meet him at the airport? Or are we going to swap her with a tranny hooker or somthing?


the joy of herpes… it keeps giving and giving… realistically I would love to see this entire thing video taped, I still am dying to see the pic of the girl that dawn sent as we are going to need somebody who looks remotely like her w/ tattoos… <3 dawn… quality work…

its is IMPERATIVE that every convo,reaction, interaction, etc etc is documented well or this thread was a total waste…

ADDED: dawn your ability to lie on the fly worries me… a very impressive talent, you must know people in the stated cities or have some connection, i applaud you

I AM CONCERNED that somebody is gonna some how blow this up and he will find it, it will get linked to offtopic or another forum… its a small world, if he finds out… laughter aside, this thread will be a failure