I <3 Mandi

you should tell him the light should be behind the camera

:lol: x 1.5

Dude is such a dork.

Mustang1523 (8:10:46 PM): yeah i can take u to the beach and stuff when u get her, and i live on the water, so i can take u out on my jet ski
sublimechica 19 (11:10:49 PM): oh damn
sublimechica 19 (11:10:56 PM): are you rich or somethin? lol
Mustang1523 (8:11:18 PM): i guess u can say that
sublimechica 19 (11:11:22 PM): hehe whats that mean
sublimechica 19 (11:11:30 PM): what are you like a drug dealer or somethin? lol
sublimechica 19 (11:11:32 PM): jk!
Mustang1523 (8:11:41 PM): haha no
Mustang1523 (8:11:49 PM): i have my own business remeber
Mustang1523 (8:12:07 PM): i make a lot of money
sublimechica 19 (11:12:13 PM): oh ya but dont you have to buy stuff 2?
sublimechica 19 (11:12:17 PM): like to fix things
Mustang1523 (8:12:33 PM): for what
sublimechica 19 (11:12:34 PM): the cars?
sublimechica 19 (11:12:42 PM): im an idiot
sublimechica 19 (11:12:44 PM): hahaha
Mustang1523 (8:12:55 PM): oh no, i just costomize them , i install what the people buy and give to me
Mustang1523 (8:13:07 PM): customize*
sublimechica 19 (11:13:06 PM): oooo!
Mustang1523 (8:13:20 PM): ya they buy it, and i put it in
sublimechica 19 (11:13:43 PM): thats sweet!
Mustang1523 (8:13:54 PM): and there are some nice restaurants on the water i would love to take you to
sublimechica 19 (11:14:33 PM): do you like lobster?
Mustang1523 (8:14:42 PM): yeah
sublimechica 19 (11:14:41 PM): awesome
sublimechica 19 (11:14:47 PM): i dunno anyone who does
Mustang1523 (8:14:55 PM): i like whatever u like
sublimechica 19 (11:14:54 PM): cuz like my friends dont like it.
sublimechica 19 (11:15:05 PM): you dont have to like it if i do thats silly hahah
Mustang1523 (8:15:14 PM): and i know i def like you
Mustang1523 (8:15:21 PM): so that all i need
sublimechica 19 (11:15:26 PM): hehe
sublimechica 19 (11:15:33 PM): i never had a guy treat me like this
Mustang1523 (8:15:51 PM): well there is a first for everything
sublimechica 19 (11:17:09 PM): im having alotta firsts
sublimechica 19 (11:17:10 PM): lol
Mustang1523 (8:17:22 PM): lol
Mustang1523 (8:17:24 PM): like what
sublimechica 19 (11:17:33 PM): like being crazy n flyn to NC!
Mustang1523 (8:17:46 PM): ha ha
Mustang1523 (8:17:50 PM): ya thats a good one
Mustang1523 (8:18:02 PM): i promise u will love it, and have the time of ur life
sublimechica 19 (11:18:59 PM): i hope
Mustang1523 (8:19:07 PM): you will be trated like a queen
Mustang1523 (8:19:11 PM): treated*
sublimechica 19 (11:19:13 PM): i cant wait1
Mustang1523 (8:19:24 PM): me neither
sublimechica 19 (11:19:49 PM): so what else are ya into
Mustang1523 (8:19:59 PM): um…
Mustang1523 (8:20:16 PM): i used to take martial arts and i play pretty much any sport
Mustang1523 (8:20:30 PM): how bout u
Mustang1523 (8:21:06 PM): and i also enjoy the company of beuatiful women such as yourself
Mustang1523 (8:21:14 PM): beautiful*
sublimechica 19 (11:21:39 PM): i like jogging n um.
sublimechica 19 (11:21:45 PM): what do i like lol
sublimechica 19 (11:21:47 PM): i cant think!
sublimechica 19 (11:22:05 PM): i like music alot. my fav band is fall out boy.
Mustang1523 (8:22:17 PM): thats cool, i like tehm
Mustang1523 (8:22:41 PM): so what would u like to do when u get down here
sublimechica 19 (11:22:46 PM): well goin on a jetski would be soooo cool!
sublimechica 19 (11:22:53 PM): i only did that once and fell off lol
Mustang1523 (8:23:01 PM): lol
Mustang1523 (8:23:12 PM): ok, put that on the list, what else
sublimechica 19 (11:23:18 PM): shoppin, i love that
Mustang1523 (8:23:25 PM): k
sublimechica 19 (11:23:30 PM): swimming
Mustang1523 (8:23:39 PM): k
sublimechica 19 (11:23:44 PM): i dunno what is there to do?
Mustang1523 (8:24:11 PM): whatever, u want, i got a lot of stuff to do here at the house too
Mustang1523 (8:24:15 PM): i got a pool table
sublimechica 19 (11:24:24 PM): oh im good at pool
sublimechica 19 (11:24:33 PM): i always play pool at the bars
Mustang1523 (8:24:38 PM): we can watch movies, i have a full surround sound system
sublimechica 19 (11:24:41 PM): hey can you get into bars?
sublimechica 19 (11:24:47 PM): do you drink
Mustang1523 (8:25:26 PM): not yet, only 20, i mean i can get in, thats not a prob
Mustang1523 (8:25:32 PM): ya i do
Mustang1523 (8:25:38 PM): evry now and then
Mustang1523 (8:25:42 PM): not too often
sublimechica 19 (11:25:42 PM): do you smoke?
Mustang1523 (8:25:50 PM): nope
sublimechica 19 (11:25:49 PM): k good!
Mustang1523 (8:26:01 PM): never have, and dont plan on it
sublimechica 19 (11:26:04 PM): what about like other drugs
Mustang1523 (8:26:14 PM): oh hell no
Mustang1523 (8:26:24 PM): im an athlete, i gotta stay in shape
Mustang1523 (8:27:32 PM): there are also a lot of night clubs up where my college is
sublimechica 19 (11:28:07 PM): do you dance?
Mustang1523 (8:28:23 PM): hell ya
Mustang1523 (8:28:34 PM): ill dance the crap out of a club
sublimechica 19 (11:28:35 PM): hehe me 2!
Mustang1523 (8:28:52 PM): i love dancing
Mustang1523 (8:29:00 PM): i would love to get to dance with you
Mustang1523 (8:29:33 PM): and see what u got
sublimechica 19 (11:29:52 PM): see what i got
sublimechica 19 (11:29:53 PM): oh damnnnnnn
sublimechica 19 (11:29:58 PM): this is now a challenge
Mustang1523 (8:30:07 PM): oh yeah
Mustang1523 (8:30:08 PM): lol
Mustang1523 (8:30:52 PM): na, i just wanna see how good u are on the dance floor, u said ur a freak and all
sublimechica 19 (11:30:59 PM): oh i go all out
Mustang1523 (8:31:20 PM): nice that how i like it
Mustang1523 (8:31:56 PM): u think u would be able to get me all “excited”, lol
sublimechica 19 (11:32:33 PM): uh ya!
sublimechica 19 (11:32:41 PM): we might have 2 go in the bathroom lol
Mustang1523 (8:33:06 PM): oh yeah, ur given me chills just by sayin that

it’s important that i finally give some input to this thread:


holy hell.

lol this is funny shit, wheres the pic?

Mustang1523 (8:33:58 PM): why the bathroom, thats kinda cramped for dancin’, lol
sublimechica 19 (11:34:15 PM): oh we can do the tango in there
Mustang1523 (8:34:32 PM): nice
Mustang1523 (8:34:37 PM): thats one of my favs
sublimechica 19 (11:34:44 PM): lol
sublimechica 19 (11:34:51 PM): how many girls have you been wit?
sublimechica 19 (11:35:01 PM): n dont lie!
Mustang1523 (8:35:36 PM): just two as far as that goes, and that was there first time, so i def dont have anything, lol ur safe on that one
Mustang1523 (8:35:43 PM): how bout u
sublimechica 19 (11:35:49 PM): ive never been wit a girl
Mustang1523 (8:35:57 PM): lol
Mustang1523 (8:36:02 PM): u know what i mean, lol
sublimechica 19 (11:36:08 PM): heh i kno
sublimechica 19 (11:36:09 PM): 3
sublimechica 19 (11:36:18 PM): but im good.
Mustang1523 (8:36:27 PM): ok good
sublimechica 19 (11:36:33 PM): besides the herpes
sublimechica 19 (11:36:43 PM): NO JK JK!!
Mustang1523 (8:36:54 PM): ha ha, very funny
Mustang1523 (8:36:57 PM): lol
sublimechica 19 (11:37:39 PM): sorry baby i had to hahah
Mustang1523 (8:37:52 PM): its ok
Mustang1523 (8:37:58 PM): i bet u are amazing
sublimechica 19 (11:38:10 PM): do you shave?
Mustang1523 (8:38:40 PM): yeah pretty much
Mustang1523 (8:38:43 PM): u?
sublimechica 19 (11:38:44 PM): hell ya
sublimechica 19 (11:38:47 PM): i wanna see a pic! lol
Mustang1523 (8:38:54 PM): lol
sublimechica 19 (11:38:52 PM): sorry im perverted heh
Mustang1523 (8:39:00 PM): u first
Mustang1523 (8:39:05 PM): i did this one first
sublimechica 19 (11:39:02 PM): well i cant get you one rite now.
Mustang1523 (8:39:13 PM): now its ur turn to go first
sublimechica 19 (11:39:16 PM): but as soon as i do i will send
Mustang1523 (8:39:22 PM): ok well u go first on that one
Mustang1523 (8:39:29 PM): ok kool
sublimechica 19 (11:39:53 PM): okie!
Mustang1523 (8:41:10 PM): man, i really cant wait to see all of u in person though,
Mustang1523 (8:41:39 PM): u have such an amzing body
sublimechica 19 (11:41:40 PM): i try.
Mustang1523 (8:42:47 PM): so what exactly would u like me to do to u first, when we get to “that”
sublimechica 19 (11:42:55 PM): lets leave it up to imagination
sublimechica 19 (11:43:09 PM): or maybe we could talk about this over the phone lol
Mustang1523 (8:44:00 PM): sounds good
Mustang1523 (8:44:13 PM): when u wanna do that
sublimechica 19 (11:44:19 PM): when i can get the phone and im alone
Mustang1523 (8:44:28 PM): lol, ok

Are we almost at home run? When I get back to Buffalo we NEED TO DO THIS hahahaha.

Hey Mandi,I have a house on the water and a pool table. Can you come and see me before you fall for stang boi?


so where is the picture that he sent you dawn

check that new thread.Mandi

such a fucking douche.



Mustang1523 (8:44:28 PM): lol, ok
Mustang1523 (8:45:12 PM): are u usually a loud girl, or are u kinda mello
sublimechica 19 (11:45:21 PM): it depends
Mustang1523 (8:45:29 PM): when u get all excited
sublimechica 19 (11:45:25 PM): on how you perform
Mustang1523 (8:45:32 PM): oh ok
Mustang1523 (8:45:54 PM): i’ll be able to make u break the windows
sublimechica 19 (11:45:59 PM): o rily
Mustang1523 (8:46:04 PM): u can count on that
sublimechica 19 (11:46:09 PM): damn
sublimechica 19 (11:46:11 PM): you must be good
Mustang1523 (8:46:20 PM): u will see
Mustang1523 (8:47:33 PM): lol, jk, hope u like it though
Mustang1523 (8:49:02 PM): what is ur idea of a perfect date?
sublimechica 19 (11:49:18 PM): i dunno
sublimechica 19 (11:49:23 PM): i never went on a perfect date
Mustang1523 (8:49:37 PM): lol, oh
sublimechica 19 (11:49:36 PM): maybe like dinner and a movie and then go back and you have rose petals to the bed or something lol
sublimechica 19 (11:49:40 PM): something romantic
Mustang1523 (8:49:53 PM): well i will try to make that come true for you
sublimechica 19 (11:50:20 PM): red ones.
Mustang1523 (8:50:27 PM): ok
Mustang1523 (8:50:31 PM): u got it babe
sublimechica 19 (11:50:27 PM): and wine.
Mustang1523 (8:50:35 PM): ok
sublimechica 19 (11:50:33 PM): will you get trashed with me?
Mustang1523 (8:50:44 PM): yeah if u want
sublimechica 19 (11:50:45 PM): and we can do crazy shit
Mustang1523 (8:50:57 PM): sounds good to me
sublimechica 19 (11:51:00 PM): would you be willing to try things?
Mustang1523 (8:51:14 PM): yeah sure, what do u have in mind
sublimechica 19 (11:51:19 PM): i dont wanna tell you lol
Mustang1523 (8:51:27 PM): lol
Mustang1523 (8:51:36 PM): well how am i gonna try em if i dont know
sublimechica 19 (11:52:00 PM): youll know then
Mustang1523 (8:52:08 PM): oh ok
Mustang1523 (8:52:17 PM): i think i would try anything with you
Mustang1523 (8:52:42 PM): not even a little hint, [SIZE=-0]http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/aolbart:/1024/id/2B00000210/3B2D29 [/SIZE]
sublimechica 19 (11:54:46 PM): lol brb
Mustang1523 (8:54:52 PM): ok
sublimechica 19 (12:00:06 AM): damn i gotta go
sublimechica 19 (12:00:09 AM): cya baby
Mustang1523 (9:00:26 PM): ok ,later cutie
Mustang1523 (9:00:30 PM): call me tomorrow

i think you have some practice at this. your almost TOO good LOL

dawn would you like my car? its yours, just be my dawg!

“hope u like it though”

did anyone else think to themselves “If this guy is such a tool to say he owns a car dealership, maybe he really is a single guy pretending to have a girlfriend”…

maybe hes single and this is all for nothing, and that was just some random girl at a party he took a pic with!


cause her myspace has a ton of pics of her and him together.