I <3 Mandi

if that dude had all the uber cool cars he says he does … he still couldnt get laid

this is just too good…

dawn i’m def impressed


this is fucking EPIC. alright all you pussies heres what im thinking for a timeline.

Another 2-3 days, dawn gets back, hopefully photoshopped nudes are made, and we can FINALLY get the pics of stang-man

Another day or two, we record the phone sex. Dawn, you have to be able to do this WITHOUT laughing, we won’t think your weird, but it needs to be as real as possible.

Somewhere shall we do the crazy ex thing? or no?

Give it 1 more week. We need to plan a trip to go down. Lets start start throwing dates around, pick one, and all go down for this to be recorded. We NEED as much help and planning as possible to make this go as smooth as possible.



Next we need photochopped mandi, then full nudez of fag boy, internet destruction will be impending after…

if u drive down there you are officially a loser and you are a bigger douchebag then him.

Yea driving down there is stupid… i say everyone puts his picture on their myspace and pm him laughing at him…

Someone should also send the converstaions to his GF too lol

just get some evidence to send his girlfriend so she breaks up with him. the I <3 Mandi is a good start, but he can say it was from before they met.

come up with something that proves he just did it, and is being untrue to her.

we could always just have her join NYSpeed and check this whole post out… with the time stamps and action as it happens…

she’ll not only see how much of a douche he is by reading it, but will also see the AIM convos, and the pictures, and everything else.

I think him talking about wanting to have sex with Mandi should be good enough, but the fact that reading it here and seeing the times and dates and the action unfold, she’ll know for a fact that it all just happened.

or the ridic route… have him drive up here… after we get him pictures of “Mandi”

would be easy… wow, having him fly up here, and we all wait at baggage claim lol

Since I have banned myself from NYSpeed while working I have no idea what is going on anymore. Who is this guy?


should just merge the threads

HAHAHAH even better!

he’s not going to come to buff though…

He can be convinced…

info: Mandi, has a family member in the hospital, can’t come down, family member may die really soon. Needs someone to be with her for the tough times.

Get round trip tickets from charlotte to buffalo “Mandi” pays since she has money saved up (roughly 200 bucks, everyone pitches in 5-10 bucks)… Space it out like 3 or 4 days… he gets up here we laugh at him at baggage claim… he spends the next 3 or 4 days crying in some hotel in buffalo, or calls his parents LOL.

well, if we get the “nudes” from mandi, i dunno, i may even be willing to put forth some money to pay for his ticket.

I could only imagine him getting off the plane, and over 100 people just start LAUGHING at him. With it all on tape. It would be the offical biggest asshole of a thing ever and I would SO pay to be part of it

how are you going to get him to come to buff. Mandi is from NJ or w/e

well, we need the picture of what “mandi” looks like… and go from there

good call… the family member has cancer going to roswell for treatment/cure, problem solved. Mandi is staying with a distant cousin

then they can spend a “romantic” night infront of the falls :cute:


HAHAAHAAH i laughed and sllammed my mouse against my desk… and its broken :frowning:


Imagine seeing EVERYONE wearing one


those are selling for for 3.98 on the interweb


that would be nicer lol