I <3 Mandi

in case this doesnt merge…in on one. and lol. the internet is so great sometimes.


at least a group shot infront of mighty all wearing duck bills… would be pretty sweet…

when she is going to send “the picture”




We’re waiting for her to talk to some photochopper to have it made. Looking for someone with the skills, im thinking either ghetto or fuzzy

But now, i need sleep, after working 14 hours of straight physical labor. I decided to read this for another hour and a half before work again tomorrow :frowning:

wow, just spent an hour reading this whole thread from start to finish. just pure, grade A++++++++++++++++


So awesome.

Oh my god, the masks are too much! This has to happen!

ouch. and i thought it meant something to you.:frowning:

This dude needs to to be punchisized in the face.

the next person that says shennanigans…

this thread fucking rocks!!

ahahahahahahahaha this is great!

damn!!! thats funny shit. nice work dawn… what a dork he is, hahaha

You mean Shenanigans?

sublimechica 19 (11:28:07 PM): do you dance?
Mustang1523 (8:28:23 PM): hell ya
Mustang1523 (8:28:34 PM): ill dance the crap out of a club

hahaha, new sig.

Dawn for the mfw.

I like the bathroom part, that fucking dimwit

I haven’t used dimwit in a long ass time

Fucking dimwit.

PS. Dawn smells funny.

If you mention Buffalo in any way, shape, or form he will know something is up.period

lmfao i finally just read the rest of this thread, deff. the best thread on here and yeh we need to get him to buffalo to all just point and laugh with the duck masks on, i’d pitch in 5-10 bucks

fly him in to rochester… if you are so stuck on getting him here… i think we’ve done enough though lol… if he gets here and doesnt know anybody and everybody makes him look like a “dimwit” he might kill people, realistically this situation could be bad… i almost feel bad for the duck… if she is his g/f shes going to fall to pieces.