I <3 Mandi


If you mention Buffalo in any way, shape, or form he will know something is up.period




You mean Shenanigans?


sorry, the extra n is only because i feel generous and i think you should get your moneys worth

omg how did i miss this…

moneyyyyyyyyy. that is fucking awesome!!!1


i almost feel bad for the duck… if she is his g/f shes going to fall to pieces.


thats why we go down there and pick up the pieces… EIFFEL TOWER THAT BITCH! HA and quack during it!

but yea a group picture with the duck bills… that would be a good send… and a good end

Had to brighten it up…


HAHAHA Wow, I finally made my way through this thread.

These IM convos give me douche chills. They are almost unreadable.

What a bag.


lol ok i retrract my tirade from the other post. go get 'em

omg i love her to…im still saying they will hook up

5 star- Hi5!

i think big pic with everyone with the duck bills would be the best … then everyone puts it as there myspace main pic and emails him (or the i love mandi )

i think the airport or going down there is just dumb and makes us look like we dont have lives… and then who is the DBag now

jesus this thread took forever to read, but it was worth it

sublimechica 19 (11:36:18 PM): but im good.
Mustang1523 (8:36:27 PM): ok good
sublimechica 19 (11:36:33 PM): besides the herpes
sublimechica 19 (11:36:43 PM): NO JK JK!!


but i agree with keeping it online or having him travel, is it really worth all the time spent plus airfare to fly to NC just to make an example of him?

the donal masks would be awesome too, maybe hold up a NYSpeed banner with it.

Are we forgetting we are trying to make an example of douche bags everywhere? I think him flying up and meeting him or us coming down is a fucking fantastic idea. On top of the entire interweb finding out, it will teach him a lesson and become a better person, and we all want to help out others right?

When I posted this, I never thought it would go this far. I figured everyone would just say wow what a douche then life would go on…
but its still funny.

i <3 mandi… lol
his dumb gf will prolly forgive him too and they will all hate us yankee’s for ever, like we actually care

he has the weirdest shaped body. the fuck.

progress :tup:


When I posted this, I never thought it would go this far. I figured everyone would just say wow what a douche then life would go on…
but its still funny.


It will make it a lot more funny when you actually go down there. You can point and laugh every time you see him.