I am a magnet...

… to bad drivers. Just got in my fifth accident in three years. None have been my fault. Why the fuck are these people attracted to hitting my cars!?!

Anyway the damage isnt terrible. I was making a left hand turn for 104 ave onto 101 st and some people decided to run across the crosswalk that goes across 101st just as I was turning. So I braked and let them go. I was stopped for at least 2 seconds and then BAM some guy in a beat up Sunfire nails me. Rear bumper is fucked, as is the passenger side tail light. The part of the quarter panel that wraps around up to the light is also dented and scratched to shit.

It really pisses my off cuz I just had the car powerpolished, and when I got rearended last year I had to go to physio for my neck for 4 or 5 months. My neck is killing me now and I definately dont have the time to waste is physio. FUCK!!!

That sux man!! Glad to hear you weren’t seriously hurt tho!!


Just to let ya know if you are gonna get them to change the whole rear quarter panel, I’d be interested in the scratched part… sorry might not have been the best time… :shrug:

That sucks to hear Dave. Hopefully you get it all settled without incident.

Ouch Hopefully you get the car fixed and your ok

Hope you’re all right buddy.

The dude that hit you was coming straight through the lights (green light), and on your left turn, you stopped in front of him to wait for the pedestrians?

Thanks guys.

No the guy that hit me was also making a left turn right behind me. The guys insurance seems to be all in order so there shouldnt be any problems there hopefully. Collisions are just such a pain in the ass, such a waste of time after the fact for something that shouldnt have even happened in the first place.

hope your neck does not hurt for tooo long, best of luck getting the car back into shape

Sounds good.

I hope you are alright, and everything pans out for you.

Good luck.

that sucks dave! you should just get cash and avoid insurance!!!

why avoid insurance if Dave is not at fault?

Dave - that’s weak dude! Make sure you get your car put back like it was, don’t let the insurance company screw you over.

On a more postitive note, you can tell the GF that an erotic massage will make your neck better… :E

why avoid insurance if Dave is not at fault?[/quote]

your insurance can go up regardless weather the accidents are your fault or not…

The car isnt that bad and if your not injured, i would just get and estimate (Probably about$1000) and get cash and just fix the car youself.

I am going through insurance. There wont be anything wrong on my end (Daddy is the VP and GM of the company I am with). I was hit before and I didnt go through insurance and it was a big pain in the ass. Not ever doing it again. Estimate of the damage was $1200. Plus chances are I am going back to physio. Neck pain and headaches arent going to be fun when I have to sit in front of a computer and type for hours on end at work.

The guy keeps calling my house telling me to drop the car off at a shop of his buddys so he can fix it for me. :roll:

I love it when people try to do that. :roll:

:grrr I hate it when people do that! I know…I used to do that before I owned a car :oops: People should know that they are called crossWALKs for a reason. Flipping cyclists, runners, skaters, etc should cross at walking speeds so drivers have time to see them before they get halfway into the intersection. :rant:

Glad you are OK Dave, and glad you weren’t hit by oncoming traffic. That woulda been really bad…

Sorry to hear about your car, I know how it feels.

Why are so many people such retarded drivers, I’ll never know.