I am oh-so-glad to be leaving the Altima "tuning" scene

there you go


Thank you Lance :rofl

You’re all a bunch of silly ricers.

Honestly, if I really really wanted to. I would. BUT since we are just starting out a lot of, if not most of it, is going back into the business. The reason we became a multi-million dollar a year company is because we now do business internationally with Canada. So a lot of our money right now is tied up in getting our operations set up there as well as setting up our corporate office here in the US. So im pretty sure the banks and other investors would not be to happy with me if I went out and bought a $100K car…but in a couple of years when things are smoothed out and we are on our feet then I might think about it :o)

Grammer much? lol Any way i think i showed you the video of the stock block d16 walking out on the se-r. Oddly enough my turbo was bigger than that guys and i had bigger injectors. If that car wasnt full of rust id have the kit on by now. For future reference no it is not from go-autoworks you clowns.

By bigger i mean not stock

I only brought up you saying you’d walk me because of this:

I would have been in the low 13’s at least had I continued modifying the engine and not have gotten hooked on auto X. You would have walked me if you went through with the turbo kit. Same difference, we’re both going different ways now.

Actually nothing is rusted through at all underneath the car, it’s surface rust there too. :gtfo with your WRX that you can’t even launch without doing $3,000 worth of damage :rofl:rofl

Whatever. Car is almost back to stock, or at least as far as I’m going to take it before selling it, I’m giving it a good detail once the weather warms up enough to use my wax and then she’ll be up for sale.

Isn’t chuck not allowed to mod his WRX?
Last person to be talking in here.

Thankths guyths

+1 lmao. His dad doesn’t know about any mods besides the uber JDM carbon fiber sidemarker plates and the ski rack that he bought for him :rofl:rofl all his suspension components are in bobby’s backyard.

On the other hand, my dad watched me my first time at LVD and took these pictures:


^left lane

…and he actually drove my car for a few runs at my first auto X and has seen 3 out of the 4 events I went to last year and took the pic that was my sig for a while:


You know im bustin balls. And joey yes i believe what you heard is true. Anyway kramer i picked up a ctr valve cover so pops is gonna help me paint that as the next little thing. Gonna get inspected on monday.

wow i didnt know family sedans had a tuning scene

Good shit.

It doesn’t really, that’s why it was in quotations. There are <15 100% clean Altima’s on NC.com and that’s the only site with more than 5 members with 4th gen Altima’s :rolleyes: lol.

Well we didnt expect you to be down with the JDM scene

Lulz this car was made in Tennessee, was only sold in North America and has a French motor in it (Renault designed) :rofl:rofl:rofl

he ain’t even aloud to drag-race it ethier heard too! true? fluff or bluff?

No I can mod it now because it is mine.

Yes it is completely paid off.

I repeat, my car is paid for. :open_mouth:

Bfol’s 335xi on the other hand… :rofl

Where did you get the $4,000 you supposedly still owed on it like 3 weeks ago :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl


And wasn’t I on your ignore list??? :rofl :rofl :rofl