At pitt thunder today:hahano: :ugh: ,thanks brian and george for the bracelet.Then we headed to primantis for a few drinks then off to caste village we went. All in all it was a good night :hahano:
yup,had fun,but we needed more pittspeed with us!!!
i am uploading all the pics right now… i took a total of 455 pictures and video
ur timeslip beat my timeslip u ass and u beat soemone elses car not my orange car ass
if you can beat sammy, I can beat you and sammy :kekegay:
I wanted to go, but my best short time to date in this car is only a 2.09
damn someone should have said you were going to caste village, i only live 2 secs from there, bastards! :ugh:
Yeah, I stopped to watch the bikes again, and you guys were gone. I did get one vid of Brian and Sam. Waited for a little and then I dropped Cindy off in Mt Washington. When I dropped off of the backside on 51 I saw some of you headed south. No way to get back across, so I just kept going onto 279 and then home.
@ brian and his passenger flicking off the laurel moutian mustang…
thepictures are upload… have fun!
thats steelshity!!!
the vid shows brian and toss throwing him the finger half way down the track…of course 4 car lengths in front
i’ll upload a clearer picture… that was funny!!!
i believe brian lost though, a lil red light action
wheres the slip :wtcslap:
but my time was still faster!!!
red light… pfffttt looked like a .500
i use to a pro tree!!!