I broke a $13,000 printer

Hopefully not critically, but its definitely got some cosmetic alterations now. We bought this thing and picked it up today. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7564885336 We went to Sandusky to pick it up and when we were loading it onto the furniture dolly, one of the dollys flipped on end. Since this thing is top heavy, it crashed face first into a cinder block. I felt like such an asshole. But it looks like just the front panel got smashed, and the plastic covers on the feet. I will run it again monday to make sure I didn’t mess up it’s brain. Thankfully, it does have set screws inside it that secure the drum, fuzer, and drum cleaning blade and they were set. Thankfully, my boss who was watching the whole thing, wasn’t pissed. I cut my finger tryin to save it and got blood over everything, so he knew I was trying. So now we have 2 of these (first one we bought brand new and it cost more than my car). We’re setting up to start doing reprographics along with the full line of civil engineering they already do. I’ve been doing copy/print jobs for other companies off and on for a few months now and my boss bought another building across the street to get this going. He wants (wanted??) me to be in charge of this part of the operations because i kick ass at it. But after today… :ugh: gotta make sure i do double the ass kicking as far as copy/printing goes.

that is all.

that sucks…at least ur boss was cool about it

hahahaha… :ugh: lucky dude

Yeah, lucky for sure. But I brought the door home with me, gonna see what I can do to straighten it out over the weekend

well if it doesnt work let me know my sister sells copiers.

I see a new anti-drug commercial coming out of this.

“Dont smoke pot, because if you do, you’ll smash up expensive office equipment”

I would agree, but ironically I haven’t done that in quite a few days. :dunno:

people load the wrong film in our 120k printers all the time and then end up paying 20k in parts for me to fix them.

Maybe that’s the problem! :dunno:

nah, I just fucked up. I’d like to blame it on something else, but either way, I made it fall. It happens to the best of us. The real test will be after I hook it back up :x: :x: :x: :x: :x:

Hey, I don’t know how deep into the repro you want to get, but I know a person at heinz that was trying to sell us a Dupont AQ4 Proofer. They were trying to get 5k out of it, but my firm decided against it so if you want it, IM me and I’ll give you my contacts name/email.

We have that same setup at work and it kicks ass for spitting out a large number of prints in no time. No one is allowed to move ours at all though. Supposedly they really delicate. They call a service guy in to move ours whenever it needs done.

We have one already that we use on the engineering side of things. This one is for the reprographics side. The delicate part as was explained to me was the cleaning blade that rides along the drum. It needs to be secured when transporting it.

Did any of you hear that?? It was my huge sigh of relief. It works just fine!! Minus some toner that got splashed around inside, but that has already cleaned itself onto the test pages.

:hsdance: :mrT:

sweet! you work with pornographics!!! haha

glad to hear it’s wroking :)… you may breathe easy now.

boris the bullet dodger… thats real cool since it was an honest accident :smiley:

Now i can print out 36" x 48" black and white porno pics.

ur set now…lol

I broke a $150 slide today, and JB Welded it back together… if that makes you feel any better.