SlowBoyRacing : The worst automotive experience I've ever had.

Where to begin. The begining, I suppose. If I can remember back that far.

Getting rid of my DSM stuff, I had a 6-bolt block for sale. Even though I’m smart enough to know to not deal with SBR in the first place, it’s not easy to sell a block. Once I heard they bought them, I called and spoke with Cragger, who told me if it was in good shape, they’d pay $300 for it.

11 (yes, November) 28 -

Block arrives at Slowboy. Invoice is written for $300. Cragger says they’d have it inspected in a day or two, and I should have my check by Friday. Sounds great.

12-1 (Friday) No check. Didn’t really mind.
12-4 (Monday) No check.
12-5 - Call, get the usual run around responses.
12-8 - Call, get told that they’re behind because of the holidays. I was told the check would be mailed very soon.

After this point, the dates get blurry. But, I have called SBR at LEAST a dozen times since my first call, each time speaking with a different person who knew nothing at all.

I was told I needed to call back at X time, was told I would be called back as soon as the person knew something (I was not called one time. I had to call back,) I was told Cragger was on vacation, and Huml wouldn’t be in until Monday (on a Friday that I called,) I was told I needed to speak with the machine shop, I was told to call a different Friday because the girl that handles their checks is only in on that date.

Fast forward. The date is now 12-26. Call, get Chris. Chris says check is mailed. Friday the 29th rolls around, no check. Call, get Chris. Chris tells me they mixed up the zip codes for two check they sent, one being mine, and that they were returned to SBR, and would be mailed out again that day. No big deal.

Today, 1-4-07, OVER FIVE WEEKS since I dropped the block off, no check.

Call, am put on hold for a good 20 minutes. Finally get Chris. Chris assures me it was sent the 29th. That is 4 business days via USPS, since no mail was delivered on Tues, the 2, because of Pres. Ford. I live 1 hour away. There is no way it takes 4 days to get a letter such a short distance.

In the meantime, my mother is in the background, and she’s notably pissed. Hey, I was, too, but I’ve tried to be calm through all of this.

My mother made the comment, in a pissed tone, “Tell him that if we don’t have the check by Monday, I’ll contact an attorney,” to which Chris replies with a sarcastic and aggrivated tone, “I can’t deal with this, your check will be there, I promise.”

No, this is bullshit. Not only have I been very patient for a process I was told would be done within the week, but now this asshole is going to make a comment like that? Sorry I had to go and ruin your whole day like that If my check would’ve been here in a timely manner, this woould have never been an issue, but nah, I guess it’s my fault.

Just my take on the situation. Needed to vent.


After the second week you should have paid them a visit. I hear of this shit happening all the time and it always seems like the “big time” buisness that pulls it. Just go and get your block.

Hah, that block is probably gone, as per usual SBR routine.

If my check isn’t here by Monday, I’ll be contacting Indiana PD, the BBB, an attorney, anyone I need to get my money.

I actually have worse stories concerning these people, but I’ve never mentioned them because they did not directly involve me. But, it’s not a “he said - she said” ordeal; these were all close, personal friends of mine, who I’ve watched and been there with them when they had to deal with stuff like this.

Why people buy there, I’ll never know.

What burns me is that people are still spending money there.
If you have an invoice, go to your magestrate and press charges. It will cost a few bucks. You could be a real dick and make up a sign that reads “these guys are pricks” or something like that and stand in front of their shop as long as your on a public street. Myself I would personally pay them a visit and threaten bodily harm but thats just me.

Wow, thats absurd. Thanks for posting this. I’ll make note to let all my gearhead friends know about this…

I hate them as well, not for the same reasons, they are just fucktards. Now…go get your money

I have met alot of the guys that work there and actually have a friend on the board (doesnt post anymore) that used to be very close with them, until they repeatedly fucked him over about a turbo (i think it was a turbo) for his gsx. They fucked over a good friend, I can only imagine what they do to people they dont give a rats ass about.

No one is left there man…

if im correct they are sponsers. But i maybe wrong since all shops on pittspeed are best shops. The only ones who dick over customers are the ones that dont sponser the site. So slowboy if u are sponsers. This thread is bullshit

p.s id go kick there ass’s

Terrible service, that story doesn’t surprise me at all. Good luck resolving that. You want to make a visit this weekend?

And I love how Craggar walks around acting like a friggin movie star at PRP with his slowboy shirt. He gets off on the fact that 15 year old kids tug on his nuts.

Cragger doesn’t work there anymore.

If you are only an hour away drive up and get them to write you a new check. and when the check that he mails comes you will send it back. I have had to do this a few times in my years of collecting money!

Monday is the deadline, and I feel that I’m being generous with that. That gives two more business days.

If it isn’t here Monday, I’ll be making the trip that evening.

I have to go up that way on friday. If you want, I’ll even take you lol

Ive heard nothing but bad about that place

Same here, All i’ve heard about that place was terror stories. The suby community has all had bad experiences with them. And same with some of my dsm friends. Complete horror stories about their tuning and building too. Cant believe that place is still in business. Been there one time, and dont plan on goin again.

If you need any help figure out a way to get this damn monitor off my ankle and Ill get your money for you…sriously Ive only heard bad how can these guys still be in business???

I would make a drive up there and go get your money. Sorry to hear about your luck.

Friday’s mail arrived.

No check.

thats some bs man. i’d flip some shyt.