I dare you to read this at work...


Don’t worry, it’s totally work safe. Just really made me want to leave…

i want to make beer at home

I could go for a good stein of beer.

Anyone know if the tap room has an octoberfest yet? If so I’m getting a growler tonight. If not Wegman’s had better have Sam Octoberfest… Craving…

mmmm dogfish 120 min ale… so good

I could really go for something cold and hoppy that’s not a frog…


TONs of good resources, supplies, kits. :tspry:

I am so going to brew a bacon beer. :tup:

I will be the first one in line to try it :tup: In my shower of course :thankyou:


Holy crap we’ve solved the age old bacon vs beer in the shower debate. Both!

Holy shit, youre RIGHT. This has to be the greatest accomplishment ever in the history of mankind :thankyou:

We rule.

Vote for 87FOX/BIKERFRY in 08, watch out Billary and Giuliani :gay2:

I’ll be in that shower.
