Try to home brew beer! $19.99 + $5

Today has the intro kit for $19.99.

Don’t buy that shit. If you want to try homebrewing do yourself a favor and avoid anything associated with Mr. Beer lol.

I am going to vote against this and tell you to go to Niagara traditions instead.

Posted from tapatalk

I know someone who had this. Wasn’t bad and kinda gave you a basic understanding of beer for the complete noobie.

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my dad got it for xmas from my aunt, its been doing whatever beer does for the last day now


if youre going to make beer, invest and get some quality shit that makes a bunch of beer ($100 kit makes 5 gallons bitch!)

Truth. Talk to Mike93 on here. He’s got some serious knowledge. :tup:

We need a homebrewer’s Sub section lol.