Drunk off home brew beer

I finally started brewing my own beer. Figured that I build my own drag engines, transmissions, fix airplanes and why not finish it off by brewing my own beer. All I can say is that for those that don’t, your missing out. After just 3 weeks, the beer is great, and it only gets better with time. All my friends are bugging me to come over to “sample” but that sample ends up being 4 bottles. I am hooked on the brewing, have 5 more gallons in the secondary right now, can’t wait.

Sounds like fun. Maybe when I’m legal age I’ll give it a try, lol.

ive wanted to do this for a while. its just always been easier to go to the store and get a 12 pack of cold budweiser for $10

kidding. i drink good beer. sometimes

Yes, I love my own brew. I have made a few batches, I need to start again since I am all settled in my house.

What kind of beer did you make?

I bought the kit for 95 bucks, plus 35 from Niagra Traditions on Sheridan drive, and boom, 3 weeks later 5 gallons of beer. plenty till two weeks later when the next batch is done.

Meh, you will go through it faster then you think.

The last batch was some wheat beer, had a shark on the can, “beer with bite”. This new batch is the Niagara Traditions brand wheat. I love wheat beers, hefeweizens and such.

i would love to be able to make keystone light.

a girl i worked withs boyfriend used to make his own homebrews. for one batch, he replaced something with like 2 1/8ths of weed. he said he drank 6 of them and they were delicious as fuck, and he got more wrecked than he ever had off of homebrew and also had the worst hang over he’s ever experenced off of homebrew

keep that in mind, eh?

fuck that. I’m just gonna let some weed soak in water for a month then drink it.

We funneled my homebrew at the kegger this saturday. It was still in the carboy :lol: Still tastes awesome. I have to bottle and carb the rest.

Anywho, what you do n20, is just buy a second carboy and airlock, and you can yeild 5 gallons a week. Insta-win :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

PS. Try an IPA. Gooood shite.

i’ve brewed my own once… was really good even though it was just a standard “canadian brew”. It ended up really strong because I used too much booster (oh well) I was pretty tingly after one 24oz bottle.

I used to brew, 3 weeks seems kinda soon to be getting a decent homebrew, what kit did u get to make it ferment that quick?

Im thinking things have changed since i have done it cause mine took over a month to actually get good tasting beer.

I make wine now, easier to drink :slight_smile:

Nothing has changed. Still takes a week to ferment and a week to carb, BUT, that’s bare minimum. You still want to wait a few more weeks to yeild a -good- beer, at the least. He did say “and it gets better with time” , so he’s aware. :slight_smile:

I got the Niag kit for my 21st Bday, brewed a couple batches, and haven’t really touched it since. Actually, i’m pretty sure I don’t even have it anymore. lol.

Its def an interesting experience, and you can yield good beeerz for relatively cheap. But overall eh.

Yes, it’s def real easy to make it stronger then you expected. :beer:


yea, its young, and inexperianced beer. But we have all gone after something too young and inexperianced that just layed there while you drank it. I mean :slight_smile:

i love brewing.

we’ve only done 1 batch but the results were delicious to say the least.

i love it also, its a nice hobby, some patience is needed tho :slight_smile:

Word, my second batch my dog was licking the funnel to put the beer in the carboy and it spoiled it. The beer tasted fucking sour as hell.

i second that