I dont even know what to say v. buffalo news story


lol $500 worth of bread , cereal and juice …yea man juice

The bread was soggy

but $500 … thats like 250 loaves @$2 a loaf…thats a shit load for a lil store… i know cereal and shit … but still this guy had to walk up and down to get that much

Juice is a hot commodity in the hood. They’re only allowed grape drink.


We all know there’s no real grape in that drink.

lol drank

“sugar, water, purple”


that article is fuckin awesome.


Fuck I need that shirt.


I still cant do the math on the damages… even at $4 a loaf for bread and $6 a box and $2 for drank

50 loaves = $200
35 boxs cereal = $210
45 cans of drank = $90

Does no one else see that there is a issue

I don’t see an issue. It would be extremely easy to pee on 100 boxes of cereal at Tops. Or, if I aimed for the top shelf of bread, pee is liquid… it’ll drip down all over the lower shelves of bread too.

I’m surprised it was ONLY $500. I hope they threw away any boxes that were even near by…

ok yea at tops this can happen but this was at a convenience store on the EAST SIDE

i would assume there is some embellishment as well.

Do you really think they took any chances? I’m with baldy, i bet they threw out anything on those shelves, and why shouldn’t they? Take him to the cleaners. (no pun intended) Especially now that there’s a news story, if anyone is gonna buy anything from that store they want to be damn sure it wasn’t in the vicinity of poor person piss.

im sure it was the whole stores inventory… :lol:


Looks like a decent sized placehttp://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&hs=2oR&ei=ucPkSb-qGOrplQe6p5ngDg&resnum=0&q=3039%20bailey%20buffalo%20ny&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl