I dont understand

but you could get alot more car for that money. I understand it was very limited production. But for a g-body.

For sure, but to collectors this is like a holy grail. It just all depends on how much value someone holds for a particular item.

I never knew what they went for new. now i do. It’s a super nice car. after seeing cutty’s i’ve found a new appreciation for the gnx

even if someone does buy it it’ll never see the road. who cares if it runs or not, it’ll never change mileage just owners.

if you ask me its just a waste…of a good car and of money

cutty you have a GN?

Thats really kool, but if i bought a car i dont wanna be affraid to drive it and kill its value.wats the point of buying a car like that to just sit in a garage and show people but never take it out with the risk of something going wrong…id rather buy a whooped and just enjoy it.

i pretty sure he doesn’t have a GN…

I see nothing wrong with people buying cars to collect them and never drive. I think it should be done, but only if they are shown to people, that way future generation can see older cars in the same condition they were when they were new, people will have reference points for restoring them in the future, and so on. Your also talking about someone that probably has numirous cars, and plently of money to buy two of the same car, one to drive and one to show/collect. Cars dont last forever, even more so if they are driven, its up to someone to save them for the future.

exactly what i was thinking

that price is a deal and a very good investment, that car will be like the hemi cuda’s are today. just give it about 20 years and the GNX’s will be up near $250,000 or more. the value of these cars just keep going up and up.

he doesnt even have a turbo t let alone a gn

then it would have to be 6981.2703652863381745267905558116 times around if it really is 26" and exactly 9 miles. yea i thnk my earlier estimate was done incorrectly anyways. this should be right.

Dunno if I’d drop 110K on a GNX, but it is a nice car and one of a kind piece of automotive history.
