I downloaded 38GB worth or music and dvd's yesterday

all at a constant 600K/sec. Newsgroups > *



I usually download 145 terabytes of music during lunch. Your connection to the interweb fucking blows.

im calling you in

in the same way that Cowher will never get a superbowl ring? faggot.

they were all just to backup music and DVD’s I already own…


burnt :hsdance:

I take back all of the things I said about Cowher. I didn’t think he had it in him, but I was wrong.

ps. your internet connection still sucks ballz.

no shit. Just a regular cable modem. But I’d like to see someone pull a constant 600K downloads off bittorrent or limewire, which is what most people (including myself up until recent) seem to use.

And of course you were wrong about Cowher. Usually you stick by the Darkstar mode of logic and it repays you with success. But you tried to wander away from me my child… and look what happens.



145 terabytes??? your a funny person you know that…i highly doubt that your music taste is wide enough to download that much…even people who do cd’s only have on average a good 500GB HD for that which isn’t even half full…you must not know how big even 1 terabyte really is

i think he was joking…

but you can tell us all about terabytes if you want… :slight_smile:

k :slight_smile: take the two largest harddrives Best Buy sells(500GB) and put them together…1000GB’s or 1 Terabyte. Of course the 1 Terabyte harddrives aren’t openly available to the public hence the biggest u will find in your average electronics store is a 500GB. either way…1 Terabyte is a disgusting amount of storage space…i mean honestly i only have like 5 gigs of music and like 3 or porn

whats all this crap about ‘average electronics’ and ‘public’??


shit i have 300 gig in xbox games alone…

average electronics store = Best Buy,Circuit Shitty,CompUSA,Walmart(lol). And public being…anyone who isn’t involved in some big business that needs storage space out the ass. 300 gigs…not too hard to get with games…you get them from hollywood vid then copy em?


i’m just jerking you around dude!!! (sarcasm) hah… i have a shit load of disk space at work and home… but it would be so nerdy to discuss it on pittspeed that the internet may actually stop working… PM if you care :slight_smile:

i use gamefly (netflix for videogames)… saving games in native format is like iso’ing a dvd… up to 4.7 gig a game… so yeah, it’s easy to hit hte 300 mark… but that’s just games… add in music, pRon, pictures, videos and you’re looking at some space.



darkstar still sucks

:rofl: when the fuck has it ever stopped you before?

and pewterss still loves it