I drive Daytona... triple digit speeds + 31 degrees of banking = insane!

Little bit of a thread hijack here, but should be helpful for you…

Victoracers are NOT on the same level as A6s. A6s are the hotness if you run on asphalt. If you run on very grippy concrete Kuhmo 710s may be as good or possibly better. 710s will be a close second to A6s on asphalt and Victoracers will be way back from that. 710s will give you a much longer service life, and don’t slow down too bad right ‘til you cord them. A6s slow down noticeably after about 30 laps, and if you don’t either flip them or run s-tons of negative camber you’ll cord them way earlier than 710s. I corded 1 front at 37 laps. But most of those laps were very high speed, very long courses on a super grippy concrete lot. In retrospect 710s are a better tire for what I do w/ my car… but they don’t have the right sizes in 18s for me. I’m probably down-grading back to 17s for AutoX for next year so I can go back to 710s. In a lighter car (my car is about 3150lbs w/o driver) running enough camber (I run -2.8/-1.7 and that’s not enough) on asphalt the A6 is the tire to have. Other than that, go 710s. 710s can also serve very well for track days (I’ve used them several times and they hold up fantastically and offer amazing grip) and can be driven on to/from the event within reason. Some guys swear by A6s for qualifying but I wouldn’t trust them for a 25 minute session on a road course. And I certainly wouldn’t street drive them.