I found 2 fruits in my office...


That is all… :greddy:

Every office has a few queers. Just deal with it…


oh snap

this thread sucks

Tell me about it, one of them likes to draw rocketships and space balls all over everything… I hear he drives a purple Heep…:lickmahpu

fatty and skinny,
abbot and Costello,
moe and curly,

Dan enough with the diet pills man, ur liver is probably looking like a raisin by now…

there are no diet mills my man the weight just simply feel off of me on to cheeks.

Next gay boy band?

so what ur saying is…

hes been blowing you and swallowing?

in a purple jeep yes.

always wondered why the seats were so sticky, bunch a fags you 2 are

Im taking it to the waterfront for lunch. I am burning the rick astley cd as I type!