I found it on the internet

Another thing im not sure where to share.

GM gives zero flux about my car and its headlights.
(See what I laid down there)

There is a recall on 201x Terrains because of issues woth the lense or something.

My wife brought ours to Mike Smith for the fix.
Since the lights are trash, i was hopefull that i wold get a new cover.

1 hour for this.

30 minutes per sticker i guess.

“Safety 3rd” as i always say
I guess I’ll be checking in on some junk yards now.

So is it rain water or all condensation?

Years of condensation in there.

Do NOT let JuicedZ4 see that pic.
I might try and dry it out before replacement.

my eye is twitching

Heard about this gem on the Modern Wisdom pod cast.

This site removes paywalls. Allegedly, it uses the way sites publish content free so Google can index it.

I tried it on a buffalo news article and it worked.


Worked on the Buffalo News but not on the NY Times or Washington Post so I’m guessing the Buffalo News will probably figure out how to block it eventually. Took them over a year to figure out how to block “right click, open in incognito tab” though so it will likely work for a while.

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Chinese propaganda.

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no way that’s real

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why wouldnt it be real? is it too ridiculous or not enough?

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You have to let go of that short guy attitude man :smiley:
Size doesn’t matter. I hear.

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Here’s the author, I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers, I am not tall btw


I’d let her eat in my car.

You boys need to stop putting the pussy first.


She can write a bullshit article about me later, idgaf lol.

It’s the Taylor Swift effect. I would 100% bone T-Swift, fully aware that I’ll end up in some shitty pop song later.

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if that woman were in my bed, crackers or no, i would get out of bed and leave the room.

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After further review, the ruling on the field is reversed.
