I found it on the internet

I’ve had worse

She looks like a cross between Lena Dunham and the girl who was in 50 Shades of Gray


That doesn’t look like the same chick…


Unrelated to the current posts, but my 16 y/o has made some things using a welder i bought off of nyspeed or ubrf. Rubicant, i think it was a lifetime ago.


Real or fake?

seemed obviously fake tbh

Speaking of fake…

This is pretty wild:

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Reminds me of those people buying Hungry Man dinners and then opening a “restaurant” on door dash and selling them for 4x the cost.

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Maybe or maybe not this is th epstein client list?

any better sources for it?


If you’re operating at this level, do you bother to keep a list?

Another city I put a Nitrogen plant makes the news.


So that’s two crazy news stories near where you’ve worked on nitrogen plants? Don’t wanna get all conspiracy theory on you but you sure you’re not leaving leaky plants and driving people nitro crazy? :slight_smile:

I’m almost afraid to look for other ‘coincidences’

Edit. I did put one in the area that had to relocate and Indian burial ground :ghost:
Bridgeport AL. Right next to the trail of tears.


hot or not for the world

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